There's nowt so queer as ....pets??!

Started by grawrc, February 13, 2010, 18:37:46

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Normally yes - "busy" is how I'd describe her - and in to everything! But at the moment she's still dopey and fast asleep on her cat bed.



Well she slept well (on my bed  ::)), has taken her early morning meds (wrapped in a piece of chicken) and has done a dignified tour of the garden where the early morning bird population didn't blink an eye as she passed. (She's really fierce  ;)). She made it up the stairs under her own steam for the first time in three days and is now - you guessed it - sound asleep on my bed.

So looks like she's on the road to recovery. Fingers crossed!


That's good news  :)

It's awful when our pets are not well.  My Vera (border terrier) had been rubbing her eye and when the vet looked, he spotted a tiny little flap of skin on her lower eyelid which was irritating her.  She's finished her antibiotics (had to coat them in butter for her) and is still having the eye drops.  Her eye isn't sore any more but we have to see what happens when the drops finish.  She is 12 and I wouldn't want her to go through an operation at her age unless it was really necessary.
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Sorry to hear that, Betty. I hope the treatment works. I'm not keen on general anaesthetics for older dogs either. Suzy was sedated for her xrays rather than being "put under". I suppose you could keep on with saline eyedrops once the "prescribed" ones are finished. Suzy has a tendency to dry eye which is really common in spaniels so she gets eyedrops routinely as well as ear drops (another spaniel disaster area!)

Lets hope they're both as right as rain in a couple of weeks.


I wouldn't have thought of using saline eye drops for her, thanks for that. 

How has Suzy been today?
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I am sorry that Suzy has been poorly but glad to hear that she can now get up the stairs. 

Our 10½ year old spaniel Meggie started to have problems jumping up on her chair, going upstairs and jumping into the back of the car about 18 months ago.  The vet said it was arthritis in her spine as she shivered when he touched her along her back.  He gave her some medication (I can't remember the name of it now) and when I looked it up on the web there was a lot of controversy about it. 

I stopped giving it to her and bought some dog Glucosamine Sulphate instead.  She has two tablets a day and is now able to jump up on her chair, into the car boot and onto my bed without any difficulty.  she can also run up and down the stairs like a two year old.

I hope Suzy continues to improve.


Pauline, was the drug Rimadyl?  I remember there being a lot of discussion about this a few years ago - some dogs even died.

There are some awful cases here -
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Suzy's on Meloxidyl and tramadol. She is very subdued but clearly improving.



Quote from: Squash64 on February 21, 2010, 05:18:23
Pauline, was the drug Rimadyl?  I remember there being a lot of discussion about this a few years ago - some dogs even died.

There are some awful cases here -

I have just found the invoice for her treatment Squash and it was Metacam that was prescribed.


Ah I think that's the same stuff as meloxidyl. I'd better watch her carefully. What are your sources Pauline? (so I can read up about it myself.)


Information here about Rimadyl and Metacam -

My vet has never warned me about possible side-effects of anything he's prescribed for Vera or Graham.  Luckily, they haven't had much wrong with them apart from occasional eye problems.  Fingers crossed they never do...

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Thanks Betty. All a bit worrying. Think I'll give my vet a ring.


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OK. Just a bit listless and uncharacteristically quiet. She likes to "talk" a lot normally.  On the plus side she has eaten with normal appetite and this morning climbed on my bed unaided.


Hopefully Suzy has had another good day today - if she's eating and climbing onto the bed she must be feeling a bit better.
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