More Jerusalem artichokes...

Started by goodlife, April 02, 2010, 09:54:44

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Yes another one with plenty of these...I have fuseau (the straight tubular shaped one)and just box standard ordinary one..I personally prefer the last one, yes it does gro less straight shape but then again individual tuber and crop per plantis larger, I could almost swear it has stronger flavour too..

Anyway some of my rows are ready to thinning out so plenty to spare. I had a look underground other day and they have not started to grow much yet so still ideal stage for starting up.



Wouldn't mind a few of these, could swop for horseradish  if you're interested

goodlife have got some email...


Hi goodlife

If you have any more Jerusalem Artichokes left I would love some.  What do you need - got most things.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning....

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