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Started by Roy Bham UK, November 15, 2004, 23:51:08

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Should we encrypt the members gallery?

3 (12%)
14 (56%)
Don't care!
8 (32%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Roy Bham UK

QuotePosted by Roy Bham Uk Re:Members Pictures - Face behind a name
« Reply #257 on: November 09, 2004, 11:53:46 »      
The mugshots should be placed on a lockable thread and images sent via Dan in my honest opinion.  

QuotePosted by: Richard F Re:Members Pictures - Face behind a name
« Reply #259 on: November 09, 2004, 17:13:17 »
Maybe Dan is too soft, since on another mesage board i am a member of the mods (moderators) set up a board (at members request) just for photos. People abused it and chatted too much on it. As a result the mods threatened to close the topic down and/or delete non photo posts.

QuotePosted by: ava_banana Re:Members Pictures - Face behind a name
« Reply #278 on: Today at 22:24:36 »
On another site I visit, they have taken all the photographs (from a similar thread) and put them into an alphabetical album.

Three of us appear to be talking the same language anyone else agree or object? It would cut out the banter that I am also guilty of.

Roy Bham UK


I think this would place an unnecessary burden on Dan. Would it not be easier to change your avatar to your photo?


Or, start a new thread and just post our photo's ONLY?
We don't inherit the earth, we only borrow it from our children.


That's a difficult one.
1. As said before, a serious Faces slot is worth saving. I do believe that it can help develop appreciation of people's needs & aspirations. There is plenty of room for fun in avatars. And in the adult site, which I'm too young to visit. To make avatars one's portrait would take much of that away.
2. Pity, in a way, that Profiles went to sleep? I found it very worthwhile. And, for a while, we had some good photos there. And the chat never got out of hand - even if a little risque at times?
3. Me? I'm not too worried either way - I'm making my own album, before the whole lot get wiped off again. = Tim


I don't think we should lock the thread (does that mean noone else could post to it?).

However, as we are all adults (to a greater or lesser degree) these posts could be self-policing.

Without bothering Dan, we could begin a members mugshots thread with the understanding that we all post just pictures of ourselves (with maybe enough text for an explanation of the circumstances we were photographed in  ::) :o ;D)

And then maybe another thread, where we can all comment on the pictures.........
....we are all visitors to this earth........enjoy your stay.....:)


I'm with Tim and Ava here.  I too have my own album of members.  I think this should be something we can work out for ourselves without making any further demands on Dan.
Happy gardening all...........Pat


I like Ava's idea of having a members gallery, with a photo and just enough text of explanation.  Think it could work - don't think it would need policing.  There would be no harm in trying it anyway.  :) busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years


You could even make it a pre-requisite to post your 'ID' photo on joining the club. Just sort of joking! = Tim

Garden Manager

I think we should just start a new thread and post pictures of ourselves ONLY with little or no chat. Maybe we could have another thread for comments on pictures. Confine general chit chat to the shed.

All it requires is a little self dicipline from ALL  of us and Dan need'nt get involved too much. If it does all he has to do is lock the thread. Lets face it we are all adults here arent we?

Oh if you want the 'member faces' thread to be members only, I have no objection, though i dont see the need. If we dont identify our full names and addresses then there is no safety/security issue.


As I said - sort of joking. But there are many longstanding contributors who are unwilling to volunteer their ID. I respect their wish for privacy but - shame!! I mean - if you could see the like of - eg Hugh Jones - you would know that you were 'digging'! = Tim


Now why on earth did you have to drag me into this tim? They censored the last joke I told, so heaven only knows what they`d do to my photograph.

Forget the photographs. I prefer to treasure my own illusions about the other members, and I have consistently avoided the other thread so that I won`t have these illusions shattered by reality. Leave us our dreams PLEASE|


Have you people absolutely no sense of Internet security? There are enough details of peoples lives etc. on here without giving others a picture to mis-use.
Gardening is the great leveller.


Aww come on Hugh.  We have to have something to put on the back of the shed door to throw the darts at ;) ;D
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


Why don't you "lot" give over! If someone wants to post something here, "Let them." Some people get the wrong page or can't work out where to put the bloody thingy.."So what!
Who really cares" I don't?  "Live and let be"
And "Hugh" You were forgiven yonks ago, so get past it and post.



NOW he tells us - after we've been at it for months??

So no true avatars either then? What's to become of us?

Point taken, Eric - but, if you slam the stable door now, you're bound to catch someone's tail in it? = Tim


As a faceless member, I LIVE for my dreams, and far too many have been turned into nightmares already fellas!!   :o  ;)  ;D  
Gardening on a wing and a prayer!!


I to am a faceless memberand prefer to remain that way.
I like to imagine what people look like, or what i think they look like.
Richard lighten up a little ;D.


Quote from: Glyn on November 17, 2004, 17:54:58
"Hugh" You were forgiven yonks ago.

Somebody appears to be under a slight misapprehension

Admin aka Dan

Blimey - this is exciting!

I hope we can sort this out between us - maybe a 'gentleman's' agreement to only post genuine photos in the thread is the way to go.



Bionic Wellies

I wish I had read this before (thanks Glyn for pointing the way) this seems to have been so much fun!

An alternative idea - why not write a text description of ourselves then we get the best of everything - security for those who don't want their photo made public, an 'accurate' description made by the contributor him/herself, and still the freedom to make our own mental images of others.

By the way, I am tall, dark, young and handsome (well four little untruths are hardly worth mentioning are they  8)).

Are there any other fights that I can go watch?
Always look on the bright side of life

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