curled leaves on my nectarine tree

Started by minx, May 25, 2010, 15:33:29

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my nectarine tree has curled leaves, can anyone advise me whats wrong and any remedy?




Sounds like "Peach Leaf Curl" to me..


At this time of the year you can only pick off the affected leaves - then 'Google Peach leaf curl remedies' for what to do in the Autumn at leaf fall.

I followed all instructions and still got leaf curl this year, so the spraying advice isn't foolproof! I am religiously picking off affected leaves each day hoping that the 25 fruitlets will stay on the tree and not fall off like they did last year. Btw - I'm talking about the nectarine tree which turned out to be a peach tree  ::).



I had a worse deal on some fruit bushes, they turned out to be ornamental shrubs!
It was an Aldi special.


thanks for the information guys....and mine was a nectarine from Aldi's too lol!


so was ours  ;D..we got leaf curl really badly last year, only managed 3 fruits  :-\
this year, we made a cover over the top of the tree out of plastic, not a bit of curl and loaded with fruit, I am going to thin them after the june drop  ;D

Karen Atkinson

oh that's pear tree has developed curled leaves too. Also from Aldi! It said it was a conference pear - perhaps it's a nectarine??

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