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Carrots gone to seed

Started by raking, June 15, 2010, 19:24:05

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Just recently my carrots, planted last October have really taken off with stems around 3ft high but the actual below ground vegetable is thin and scrawny, also the plant seems to be going to seed. It's my first year of growing carrots and I've been advised to cut the stems really back to say 6inches above ground. Does anyone have any other advice to offer?



I'm no expert but I'd be tempted to leave some to go to seed and then use the seed to sow again - its notoriously difficult to germinate but I'd guess fresh will be much better


carrots are biennials...meaning they grow the root and tops on first year and and flower and set seed in as yours have over wintered ..this is their second year and they are doing what is in their nature..
Ideally you would sow carrots spring/early summer for most varieties...and crop from late summer onwards..and use them by this is when their second season by cutting the tops off now will not prevent them from setting seed..
So now you just have to start again with new crop..


So should I just pull the lot and throw then away


If you are not planning to save any seeds..yes..but you can always taste them and see if they are still ok for eating..if they are..start munching.. ;D..


Not particularly interested in the seeds but the actual carrrot root is tiny and there's little available to eat; will these still continue to grow if I leave them or is it all over?


I had some autumn sown carrots and they started to get rather hairy covered in a layer of rather fine roots.  By the time they flower they tend to get rather tough and stringy.  They can add something to a stew.   

I would try and find something to eat them a guinea pig, rabbit, pig or horse perhaps will enjoy them. 

A new packet of seeds sown now will hopefully produce better results.  I would put them on damp kitchen roll on a plate and put in a plastic bag for three or four days (or more keep checking) on a non sunny windowsill until you see the first tiny signs of a white root and then sow them rather carefully shaking them off the paper and covering them by watering.   Carrots can be a bit fickle so if nothing happens try again,


No they will not grow anymore..all energy is diverted now for flowers and seed and once this mode is set there is no turning back..
By planting in october you did leave it a bit late as it was end of the growing season....
So start new lot now and you will have much larger roots for next autumn/winter..


Thanks to all. New planting will take place this week.

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