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and finally

Started by Tee Gee, September 04, 2010, 19:29:17

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Tee Gee

On my way home I called in to the RHS garden at Harlow Carr (Harrogate) to see what changes had taken place since my last visit a few years ago.

The last time I went the 'Gardens through time' were only a couple of years old now they have matured as you will see here;

I also did the tour of the rest of the gardens where the main changes were; the new 'Learning centre' and 'Alpine' house which were quite impressive as you will see here;

and there endeth my tour folks I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Incidently it was roughly an 800 mile round trip over five days for me, whereas you lot  just had to dawdle to your PC's.

The pros were the fresh air and the plant smells for me  8) ;D and the cons........'traffic jams'  :(

For you; I guess  it was just supping coffees or perhaps something a little stronger. ;) ;D

I know what I preferred  ::)

Enjoy! ........Tg

Tee Gee


Lovely, TeeGee- looks like you hd a nice sunny day for your visit. I hope you didn't miss the willow pirate ship and whale- I love those (and the rest!). Must get across to the new learning centre soon.


Once again very enjoyable and thankyou so much TG.
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