"Golden Gourmet" Shallot question

Started by kypfer, October 10, 2010, 00:04:30

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One of my "Golden Gourmet" shallots bolted and flowered ... I left it, hoping for some seeds, but on examination of the dead flower-head there were no seeds (well maybe one or two) but there were three tiny "top-set" onions, which I've popped into a tub of compost.

Is it unusual for shallots to have top-sets ... or do most people cut off the flower-heads before they can develop? The shallots themselves look fine, though I'll not count on storing them for an extended period of time.



Pretty much all alliums can use all the allium reproduction systems under certain circumstanch vary from species to species and variety to variety.... You might ahve agot a rogue/sport or it mgiht be this varieties typical though occasional backup to forming a shallot....

I'm hoping to get seeds off and elephant garlice but the head doesn't look like its made any and there aren't any top sets (EG's "plan B" is to use basal offsets, smae as softneck garlic does occasionally, but it does thow a flowerhead....


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