New seed potatos or last years crop which is sprouting?

Started by Dandytown, January 29, 2011, 15:05:25

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Any thoughts on whether to use last years crop which is sprouting vrs buying a new lot?

Hopfully Ill gain some experience this year so that I can give good advice instead of always asking for it.  Your help is always appreciated
Thanks  :)



I'd use them but many will say watch out for disease/pest problems they may be carrying.

lottie lou

I am going to use some of my Skerry Blues as the seed is very expensive if you include the postage.


I'll be using spome of my COngo for seed.... but it was pot grown in manure fromm microtubers so should be pretty disease free....


If you're careful only to use clean tubers you should be OK for the odd year or two. Blight survives over winter in tubers, but it's pretty obvious. The longer-term danger is viruses; they're spread by aphids, and build up over time. Seed potatoes are grown in places like Scotland where the climate ensures that aphids have a much shorter season, and less chance to infect the spuds.


When HSL offered micro tubers in the 90's I was able to grow Aura from my own seed for about 8 years before the yeild dropped so far that they weren't worth growing anymore. I now have some "new" seed which is on it's third season without noticable decline..  :)


We use our own nadine seed potatoes every other year just in case they are carrying any disease
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


Shirlton, Thats my plan, use new seed potatoes every 2 years, this year they are all newly bought.


Thanks everyone.  I guess I will try it for this and order new or next.

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