Wood chip and poultry manure

Started by Stedic, February 18, 2011, 10:23:46

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Hello all,

I keep 5 chickens in my garden - they live in a walk in run which is on concrete then covered in wood chip.  Every six or so weeks I dig out all the wood chip (by now covered in chicken poo!) and replace it with fresh stuff.  Before now I've taken this to the tip to have it recycled.

But now I have an allotment! So I'm wondering if I can use this wood chip/chicken poo combination as a mulch or fertiliser?  I'm thinking that the nitrogen robbing effect of frsh woodchip should be mitigated by the chicken poo....but will the fresh poo be too strong for the plants?

Seems a shame to waste what might be a good resource.




Yes!... if you can leave it to lie for about 6 months (under a cover) it will be ideal...  :)


Don't waste it! The nitrogen from the poo will help the wood to rot down a lot faster.


Hi Stedic..I'm doing same as you..using woodchip on my chickens run..and it is all put into good use in lottie.. ;)
Only difference with mine is that I don't remove my chipping as often..instead I add fresh stuff on top of other untill the level gets too high and then I do total clean out..by then half of the chippings have started to turn into compost already.
I used mine as mulch around fruit trees and bushes..for veg it needs to go into compost bin for a year so so, it all depends the size of the chip..larger ones takes longer..once you see lots of composting worms in it then it is safe to put around your veg. It is like 'black gold' by then..lovely ;)

Good Gourd 2

I would be concerned about  wire worm from the wood chip, if its really rotted down should be ok.


I have never had issue with wire worms in wood chip..for start with it is scratched and turned over by chickens numerous times.
Normally wire worms are associated with freshly dug grass land rather than chippings.


I have been and spoken to the chickens today, who have assured me that they will redouble their efforts to eradicate all worms from their run....they do a pretty good job of it already.

I was thinking of topping the woodchip up rather than digging it out, but am a little worried about the potential for it to smell.

Good to know it can all be used - would it be too harsh to put around my newly planted raspberry canes?  Or amI better to let it rot for a while?


If there is no green growth on the base the canes yet you could use small amount..don't bury them but use rather like sparse mulch .
Soil is wet and there is plenty of rain to fall yet to flush/dilute the strengh of the droppings down untill new growth apear so small amount should not hurt.

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