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Started by Angel, March 03, 2011, 21:56:46

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I usually grow Gardeners Delight, Shirley, Moneymaker and Tumbling Toms and I would like to grow something different this year which variety would you recommend ?



Black Krim: Early (very early) purple-brown beefsteak.
Heinz: Distinctively flavoured large almost seed-free cooker
Sungold: Yellow Cherry tomato that is almost too sweet
Black Cherry: Sharper tasting purple cherry tomato
San Marzano: Excellent italian style cooker
Korol Gigantov: Early large red russian beefsteak
Garden Pearl: tiny bushes good for baskets, crop heavily over long period with small cherry type toms.


Whipper snapper for a hanging basket...  :)


I am trying Ferline F1 this year in addition to my regulars.  They are supposedly a blight resistant tomato but we will see.  i am also growing Berry F1 for a first time as a new type of cherry tomato.  Pictures of them look the best cherry tomato i have seen.
All you do and all you see is all your life will ever be

markfield rover

Green grape for great taste.

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