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Started by diggerrick, June 19, 2011, 18:58:42

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hi,has anyone found any strange things in their allotments? i have recently found a old military brass button with a coat of arms on it also a old brass coat hanger,i have heard of people finding ww2 bombs etc, any of you lot found any treasure in yours? :o
keep digging


keep digging


 ;DJust two old clay pipes .And loooooaaaaaaaddddddddssssss. of bloody cooooch grass
Don't worry be Happy ! Thatchers Heritage / Chedder Valley Cider ! Happy Day's It will take over your life .Love the outdoor life . Its hard work but its worth it in the end.Black Country Born n Bred !


Clay pipe stems here too, the odd clay pipe bowl, never found one complete, libe in hope!
found a lovely brass thing, maygbe an ornament or hook for dogs lead, a spaniels head with 2 hooks below, with a hole in base for mountimng on top of a p[ost or something


Here in Lincolnshire, if you stick a spade in the ground almost anywhere you'll have Time Team crawling all over the plot to dig up the Roman or Bronze Age remains.

Allegedly the oldest thing found here was a copy of jokes used in the first episode of Terry And June. ( Anyone under 40 will not understand this joke)
Nothing is ever as it seems. With appropriate equations I can prove this.
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SIGN THE PETITION: Punish War Remembrance crimes such as vandalising War memorials!!!   -


Loads of broken clay pipes. Bits of shrapnel. No complete bombs, though I have a couple of bits which I think must have come from a blast bomb, as the curvature isn't enough for an AA shell.


dodgy looking bones but they turned out not to be human
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


i found the following while digging my garden
5 partial sheets gypsum wall board
1 gi joe with kung fu grip
3 20+ lbs chunks concrete 


Loads of rusty nails, broken glass and half burnt wood.  The previous owner had a huge bonfire after dismantling a shed and greenhouse before vacating the plot.

The marestail remains.


We get animal bones too. stone age flint tools and the odd piece of pottery and loads of fat hen.


No bombs - but I did have half a Morrison shelter!

I never did find the other half. Or work out: a) how someone cut it in half; b) how they got it there!!


There are lots of Morrison shelters on our site.. mostly above ground serving as sheds or compost bins. They were bolted together in sections so are easily disassembled...  :)


Thanks for that! It's been worrying me for years!

I've slept in one plenty of times - which is why I recognised  what it was - but you don't take in the finer points of construction when you're a baby, do you?


Yep..broken off pieces of clay pipes here too, bits of fancy china..they really used to have a 'proper' cup of tea.., pottery, smurfs ??? they live bellow ground?..I must have disturbed their 'nest' as I've already found 4 in different parts of the lotty, big lumps of bone..something that fox have left behind I assume. I know next door had whole pig carcasses berried into their ground.. :o
Tons and tons of glass, nails and other unwanted stuff.
It does make digging bit more interesting when you discover something.. ;D


Nothing of value. did have a whole fox carcass in the manure once.  ???

two sheds

couple of bedframes and a set of iron railings about six ft long! tons of glass too..


I had some treble thickness corrugated iron propping up the stream bank, and when I looked into it I discovered it was the remains of an Anderson shelter. There's a record of someone trying to put one onto my plot; predictably, it flooded. They spent the Blitz sleeping in the shed.


On our old allotment in South Northamptonshire I found lots of small fossils, sea snail looking things.  

Here in the garden I found a Nazi German coin.  Apparently POWs used to grow potatoes here.  I sometimes find very sharp flint pieces too and wonder whether these might be of interest to Phil Harding of Time Team, but most likely they are just shaped like that by nature.  A metal hoe without handle.  Several old style iron nails.  And of course bits of 'Great Aunt Elsie's' china tea and dinner set.  Bits of ancient milk bottles and clay cider flagons.  

Oh yes, three days ago an old, large sized penny from 1967 which I put it into Cillit Bang  -  their claims are exaggerated!   ;D  But at least I could see what it was after the treatment.


A 'lovely' Garden knome which my daughter called ben. He sits at the door to the shed and keeps guard! Everyone said he would be gone in a couple of days but he still stands there a year and a half later!


Quote from: galina on June 20, 2011, 19:39:02
Oh yes, three days ago an old, large sized penny from 1967 which I put it into Cillit Bang  -  their claims are exaggerated!   ;D

Soak it in C*ke, works wonders - we used to soak all of our brass window catches and they came up luverly!


s. We found a lovely round ceramic ash tray with a lady towering over it. the lady had her *whistles* out and draped with a toga style dress. My fatha in law uses it daily......
If tha does nowt, tha gets nowt. Simple!

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