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The Watershed

Started by ceres, July 29, 2011, 17:50:54

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The Watershed is "for chat and stuff maybe not wholly wholesome". 

The rules attached to The Watershed say:

"This purpose of this board is as the name suggests.

If you are offended by anything in the board then please do not read it.


Zero tolerance on discrimination. Jokes against people due to their race, religion, sexual orientation or disability will not be tolerated. Any offences will get an otherwise worthwhile post moderated or deleted.

Decision rests with the moderators and the board's owners.

Ignore trolls. If you feed the troll you are just as guilty.



I think it's pretty clear that Dan's intention is that there should be a place where subjects with an adult theme or of questionable taste can be discussed – within limits.  And as Dan says, it's up to him/the mods where the line is drawn but, in general, threads aren't going to be closed/removed just because they're not funny/in poor taste/insensitive etc. etc. 

If you don't like the kind of things that get posted in The Watershed, you can put it on Ignore.  Go to your profile and choose Ignore Boards Preferences then put a check mark against The Watershed.  You'll no longer see The Watershed in the list of sub-forums and you won't see posts in recent post lists.



I do understand that the way things are these days

A joke about the Irish man the Welsh man and the Scotsman sounds racist.

Ace sounding off aginst women and me sounding off against men is sexist.


Exactly where do we elderly people go for fun?

It seems a tad ageist to me.


i don't think you can safely make a joke about anything these days !! people seem to have lost the ability to laugh at themselves and take offence at the smallest thing! sad really because there is never really any malice meant! but i suppose that's life  :-[

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