Aubergines ..... I'm holding my breath

Started by 1066, August 12, 2011, 23:35:49

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Maybe, just possibly maybe, this year I might finally get to eat some home grown aubergines.


Long Purple



looking good so far - mine have small flower buds but then nothing.

Don't know why this is - will just have to wait patiently ::)



Debs, up till now I've had loads of flowers but no action. We had some great weather about 10 days ago, and I think that may have really helped them. Other than that I'm in the clueless department when it comes to aubergines  :)


We are at a similar stage... one of the long purple is about index finger length...  :)

Duke Ellington

This is my third year of trying to grow them and mine have never fruited until this year!! I have one small purple aubergine :o
I don't think I will grow them again though, three years and one aubergines just isn't good enough.

dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*

Ian Pearson

If they are in a greenhouse, and flowering but not setting, often the problem is low humidity. Be generous with watering, and damp down the bed and surrounding paths to keep them happy. Works for me anyway.


My aubergines have been better this year than ever before- I've already eaten a couple of decent-sizes ones and have more coming. I can't understand why, though- they are in a very shaded greenhouse where the tomatoes are all still green, although they are raised up on a shelf, growing in black buckets. maybe it's the variety- Moneymaker.


mine have been fruiting for ages, some in the polytunnel and some in the greenhouse at the plot. I have to say the greenhouse are doing betterand they were all from the same seed packet. 4 plants altogether and we have had 9 fruits up to now with more on the way. Both watered every day, well.


Quote from: Duke Ellington on August 13, 2011, 07:11:37
I don't think I will grow them again though, three years and one aubergines just isn't good enough.

I've been wondering the same thing! Yet to make a decision....

Thanks for the info Ian re the humidity and damping down.


I grew these last year and was told not to let set more than 5 on a plant. they did well but boy did they have sharp spikes.


My plants look lovely and healthy and plenty of flowers but no fruit yet. We managed one aubergine last year. I shall persevere  thoiugh!


I started mine (long purple) very early this year, mid february, grew them on in the conservatory - the warm April made them shoot ahead and I had an excellent crop, what I'd like to know is, now the first flush have been picked will I get any more if I keep feeding and watering?


After reading a post on here about 6 weeks ago, I started using a small make-up brush to transfer pollen from flower to flower. Since then I've had loads of aubergines - before I had none. It seems that the bees aren't normally pollenators of aubergines.


good tip royforster   :)

Small, how long were they when you picked them? ... I think I'm getting impatient  ::)


Oooh, I have confessed on here before about never knowing when an aubergine is ready, mine stopped at about 4" and I left them till the bloom was just going off...i've no idea what can have pollinated them, hoverflies maybe, and I'm hanging on in case there is a second flush - if there is I'm going to try picking them younger to see if the seeds are easier to remove.


Well, we tried them for the first time last year and had the common experience of flowers forming but generally falling off.  This year we have tried the variety Applegreen, which is for short season areas, and have had progress, in that I came back from a fortnight away and found one fruit, which duly made its way to the kitchen. 

I must be honest though and say that we haven't been very attentive with the plants and while we were away they were in a sheltered location outside.

Re the pollination, aren't aubergines supposed to be self-fertile like tomatoes, in which case some gentle motion would also help with pollination?


Well I picked them , might have been a bit early, but they were tasty. Still have a few on the plants growing


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