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White spuds for showing???

Started by Carrot Cruncher, February 12, 2005, 19:28:46

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Carrot Cruncher

When its time for showing at the local horticultural show I get very competitive and work very hard to get better results year after year. But last year my white spuds failed badly, I think the judge had his eyes shut when he came to mine, he gave 3rd place to these spuds that had slug damage and were all different  sizes. However I can't grumble too much I came home with 3 cups and best in show for my gladioli, and best in show for my shallots. I Aways grow pentland javelin and Nadine because they do so well on my allotment. I think its time to grow something different. Does anyone have any varieties that they think would be a must to put on the show table ???                                                                                                       

Carrot Cruncher



Try Winston, Rocket, Pentland Javelin or Amour



Hi Carrot Cruncher
Kestrel second earlies are a very "pretty" potato with shallow eyes and red/purple markings, also very good slug resistance.  They are also a nice oval shape and have done well at shows.

Well done with Gladis and shallots.

Good luck


Kestrel are one of the better known coloured show potatoes

Ambo, Maxine and Picasso are other exhibitors' favourites



Thankyou Phil - I stand corrected



You can't be too careful when showing - the slightest hint of colour renders the potato not white - I wonder if the NVS and NHS, who set the judging rules, had connections with the Apartheid regime??!!  ;)

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