If you know these your as old as meNjude

Started by gazza1960, December 16, 2011, 21:05:41

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20p pocket money?  I was already at work before we started peeing. ;D

As a teenage revising for exams I remember my mother giving me 2/6 (later called 12½p)  for a lunch.   That was 1/- for the fish, 6p for the chips and 1/- for a large square of three coloured ice cream in a cardboard packet with 8 free broken waifers.  I was well into adulthood before I liked vegetables.   Even after all that I was still as skinny as a rake.

Handstands - I remember tucking my skirt into my navy knickers and balancing upsiding down against the wall for ages.  

I remember Bunty but there was also Judy and Mandy.  I prefered my brothers Hotspur and Eagle.

I remember machines at the stations where you could pay a penny (d) and get a metal stripped punched with your name.  

I remember the first supermarket coming to town.  FineFare.

I remember father christmas seemed to be much more generous to some of my school friends.  Some got brand new bikes, but I only got a few scaps in a stocking and maybe a pair of tights.  I had to paint the fire escape stairs in sticky black paint to earn enough for a secondhand bike.  Those were the days.  

I remember getting chillblains waiting for connecting trains on Purley station.  

I remember the beautiful pattens made by Jack Frost on the windows.  

I remember losing the whole weeks grocery money £2 10s.  My mother said I had stolen it but I do not think she put it in the purse in the first place.  

I remember having a key to the door so I could let myself in when I got home from school.  

I remember a spoonful of malt and cod liver oil.


Poppy Mole

Just remembered the syrup of figs that Granny gave us on Saturday nights after our weekly bath & hairwash - we weren't late for church on Sunday mornings!!!!!

louise stella

My OH is a few years younger than me and I feel ancient when I mention things like "old money", the Moon landing, black and white telly, Sixpence for pocket money and such like.......because he doesn't remember them!  What a difference just a few years makes!
Grow yer bugger grow!


I remember all of the above.  I also got Virol and when I was looking a bit 'peely wally' my Gran said I needed a dose of Syrup of Figs.  Wonderful.  Gut has never recovered  LOL

I remember my Dad owning a Ford 8 car and once when my Uncle was learning to drive in it he took a corner too fast and my Dad nearly fell out because the passenger door opened.  I learned to drive on a morris 1000 I then proceeded to drive my Dads Vauxhall wyvern.   I am only 5ft tall and I sat on a cushion.

I remember when the Fish and Chip van came round and it was horse drawn with gas lights.  No idea how they made the Fish n Chips.  That was around the same time my Mother put litten candles on the Christmas Tree.

Look back to the old days with great fondness.   Life was all about playing and who your friends were. 
I used to get the Bunty, Judy and OOr Wullie/Broons for Christmas.   Memories....




Fruit cocktail. These were chews that were 4 a penny (ie 1d).  When i was 10 i got a 10 shilling note, me and my three mate went round to the off licence at the pub (the only shop open on a sunday) and blew the lot on fruit cocktail at 4 a penny that was 480 fruit cocktail. I think she closed up shop for the day, it being the best sunday she'd ever had. We sat on the top of our tree  (a massive oak tree ) and ate the lot, and felt sick afterwrads.
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