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wine kit for xmas

Started by flitwickone, December 30, 2011, 13:41:10

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the red chardonnay kits 8 quid each  so one is now in the airing cupboard and the second lot will go in in ten days time

operation "Skullpopper" has commenced
fingers crossed



i dont see any bubbles coming trough the airlockanymore  is this normal or have i gone wrong somewhere its day eight

lottie lou

Could be your airing cupboard was a bit too warm.  Move it to somewhere cooler and and black poly bag over it and then just leave it till its cleared.


That's fairly quick but not impossible. Did you take the SG at the start & have you taken it now?


no im yet to add the clearing solution do i take the Sg before i add that ?


lottie lou

Just leave it alone....I do.  Don't bother to rack off either.  If you are thirsty just buy yourself a bottle of plonk from supermarket to be getting on with.


lol ive just floated the hydrometer and the top green part is the only part floating above the wine  ita a reading of  0.990


Good, assuming your Hydrometer is accurate (I have 3, two of them aren't!) then that's finished. One tip - it is claimed by many brewers who are better & more experienced than me that you get false readings by floating it in the FV - they say you must use a trial jar. You make your own decision but just so you know!


i have a long type thingy thats narrow that came with the kit and i was told to use the hydrometer in that which i did 3 times so on sat urday i will use the finings is that right by the way whats a FV


soz, FV=Fermenting Vessel. Sounds like you've done a good job - looking forward to the tasting notes!


lol i will let you know Hic Hic


wow it dont half taste good im very chuffed just had a glass of the red and its bought a glow to my cheeks  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

10 days till the next galloon is ready

also bought two 25 litre demijohns for 12 quid so weekend they will get started this brewing lark is good real good  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: macmac on December 30, 2011, 14:17:43

We buy this one on a regular basis and also the Merlot the results are pretty good
we've made Ollies "wurzels orange wine" and it's pretty powerful :o
Just to add a warning I and it seems many others are experiencing problems with this company now.An order placed and paid for 10th Jan still hasn't been dispatched.I wouldn't want anyone else to deal with them on my reccomendation :(
sanity is overated


We had issues with this company a while back - they did deliver in the end but I could not reccommend either..
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Our first orders with them were good and their prices very good ,however now they seem to be offering huge promotional price cuts but many people have posted that they aren't recieving goods.I'm just hoping ours arrives eventually.
sanity is overated


hi have just put another 5 gallons of red on i gallon of white and a black cherry wine
im having great fun  ;D

next will be worzels wine

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