your experiences with Wilja spuds

Started by gazza1960, January 27, 2012, 08:25:25

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Our Wiljas arrived today as our lotty fella ordered a large quantity to share tween 15 plots,he has told me that they are a good 2nd early that can be used for various things so we have chanced on a few.

I did look at our forum history and there are a few comments on them,but I was just after an update on what you guys and gals think of this spud......good or bad.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





They aren't on my "Favourites" list but they are OK..  :-\


Not on my list my preference for a seconed early is Ketral better by far.

Tried wilja long time back kept some that i had boiled back for a fry up they had gone black over night in the fridge

Seconed earlies for me Kestral and Nadine.
When you wake up on a morning say "good morning world" and be grateful



I grew wilja last year, we are still eating them now only about half a bag left and  there still fine,they grew well on my soil but as we all know soil and weather conditions can make a big difference with spuds


I grew Wilja last year will not grow again - stored well, pots still ok now.  Nadine wins hands down on my plot, best flavour but I can only get them to store upto Christmas otherwise I would grow more.


I've grown Wilja for a couple of years. They crop well and are a good basic potato. Nothing fancy but I seem to remember they are supposed to be resistant to something or other. Not sure that was a very helpful post, but I shall be growing them again this year.


A mixed set of replies,as one would expect I guess.
Cheers anyway,it will be interesting to see how ours fair this season.


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