Is this the weekend to be starting the Potato Challenge

Started by Digeroo, February 19, 2012, 08:55:13

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Quote from: Nigel B on February 24, 2012, 17:55:39
OMG! :-[
I reported your post Kev, to get a mods attention...

I didn't expect......... Himself.   :o

Sorry mods.  ;D Haha!  8)

Phew that's a relief- now I understand what happened.  I though you'd had a lover's tiff ;)



I planted 2 Red DOY and a Foremost under a cloche today.   ;D


Finally got the swift in the hot bed, under a cloche  ;D

green lily

Can I tag along? I don't have early chitted spuds but about 15 growing their heads off in pots going in the ground tomorrow. 3 have been in the poly a week. No heating and not much water- drought over here......But the downside is mine are Nicola early mains that have got in their heads to gallop away since last November despite my best attempts to hold them back. So I 've got two rows to be planted out this weekend. Outside the goalposts but it'll be interesting to see how they do by June ;)


Tag away, but we only put a few in, in case we lose them to the frosts, so if your puttting in that many make sure you can cover them all.   ::)

green lily

I shall plant them deep and have fleece at the ready. Think they'll suffer from lack of water although i do puddle in well. They are sitting in pots in the open at the moment...... ::)

Nigel B

Forgot to put ours in ... again...
Tomorrow, For sure.  ;D
"Carry on therefore with your good work.  Do not rest on your spades, except for those brief periods which are every gardeners privilege."


I put in a whole row of homeguard yesterday- 14 potatoes in all, chitted with about 15mm growth. I have no fleece so hope there will be no more frost. I know that doesn't sound likely , but I tend to just bury them again each time a frost is forecast.

green lily

16 plants went in this morning up to their noses and now covered with fleece........... ;D ;D


A cold snap at the moment so make sure there well covered, they won't be up fo ages yet.   ???


Ok mine are going in today..if my wellies are long enough for me to wade to the raised beds!!!

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

Nigel B

Finally put ours in.... and here's the plan...  Shhhhh!

No-dig. Potatoes laid on the pre-warmed soil and covered tightly with straw. This pile then covered with two layers of black fabric, but with no holes cut in the top. This is the secret bit, so don't tell anyone...
By not cutting holes in the top of the black fabric,it should stay a bit warmer in there, and the leaves can't get out until I decide to let them. :) That way I can avoid frosts. :)
Then, when the coast is clear, I'll whip out my penknife and open up a hole for each plant, and ta-daah!  ;D Huge plants with many many potatoes on them...   8)

Not going to work, is it.  ::)
"Carry on therefore with your good work.  Do not rest on your spades, except for those brief periods which are every gardeners privilege."

Nigel B

Quote from: pumpkinlover on March 05, 2012, 21:01:51
foto sin fa sis  :-X

Noooo no no no no.. :D
The idea is that I can control it just a bit by not letting it see the light until after its frost-safe. Just like they haven't yet broken the soil ... and that's only if there is going to be a return to general frostyness.. I just imagine them in a warm dark place right now, reaching up towards where they will find light....
.... In fact I'm going down there in a little while to see if I can hear the straw rustling as they search for a way to the surface.  ;D
"Carry on therefore with your good work.  Do not rest on your spades, except for those brief periods which are every gardeners privilege."


On yer bike Nigel ::)

Mine are in, picture me standing ankle deep in water planting spuds, I must be mad................

So who is going to see the first green I wonder.....

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


ive put a whole ton of spuds in at the weekend (well it feels like it)

Anyone here grown Pentland Dell before?

first time for me and wonder what they are like!


Two out of three of mine are showing their heads this morning.   :D



Noticed today that one or two of my homeguard are just coming through. As I'm about to leave the country I'm hoping they can take care of themselves from here on.


I uncovered mine yesterday as it was Sunny and forgot to cover again  ???
The two RDOY are a few inches up and the Foremost has yet to break the ground

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