Why am I not logged in???

Started by Gardengirl, January 15, 2005, 22:52:12

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How come I am not automatically logged in to the site now - for the past couple of days I have been a Guest on the site.  Anyone else having this problem ???

Happy gardening all...........Pat


Happy gardening all...........Pat


HELLO PAT i have been wondering where you were missed not seeing you about.  Rosebud.

Roy Bham UK

Hi Pat when you log in look under your user name and password, it says “Minutes to stay logged in:” be sure it says 360 mins, ticking the box doesn’t seem to do anything. 8)


Hi Rosebud - I'm still here - you won't get rid of me that easily ;D ;D

I have ticked the box now Roy and so far it seems to be working.  The strange thing is that this is the first time this has happened since joining the group, I have never had to log in, apart when there have been problems with the site ???
Happy gardening all...........Pat


First time I have had to log in for ages too. Remembering the password was a problem.
Gardening is the great leveller.

Admin aka Dan

Not usre is the answer, nothing has changed - I shall have a poke around and see if anything is up.




This is exactly the problem I had !!!!!! ???

I used to be "JustMarian" when suddenly I was logged out. 
As I could not remember my old password, I had to create a new identity in order to get in !  Therefore, this is the reason why I am now Marianne.

I have now ticked the little box and hope it will not happen again!


Enjoy today to the full.  You are not sure of a tomorrow.


Same here. I spent ages back-tracking to find my password again. All sent to test us you know!


I was logged out a couple days ago. = Tim

Garden Manager

I usualy have no problems staying logged in.

The only time i have to relog back in is when i do a clean up of internet 'cookies' which wipes out my login setings (ie to stay logged in). i then just relog back in next visit and off i go again.

Have any of you with problems recently done a similar 'cleanup' on your computers?


Doh :-\ ???  I wouldn't know how to Richard :D  Only know the basics of computing at the moment.
Happy gardening all...........Pat

Garden Manager

Quote from: Gardengirl on February 14, 2005, 17:10:10
Doh :-\ ???  I wouldn't know how to Richard :D  Only know the basics of computing at the moment.

Sorry pat!

Mind you if you have a special bit of software that does it for you (like Norton Systemworks) its easy to do.

So easy my dad can do it - and he isnt that computer literate either!

No offence intended, if such was implied by this post


I had wondered where you had got to Marian  but now your are Marianne.  Oh well, all these things are sent to try us eh!

::) ::)


Hi Carol!

Nice to see you around again!  Yes I am now Marianne and am using a very old password I have not used for years, so that I do not forget it ! LOL. 

Hope you are doing fine and that all is well in your part of the world.   ;)

To answer Richrad's question, whenever my hubby defrags the PC, I obviously loose all my cookies and have to log back into everything once again -
Enjoy today to the full.  You are not sure of a tomorrow.


Not been around much recently, but I too had to login after scratching around trying remember username and password.  After trying various combinations, including re-registering (only to been told I already existed!), have managed to get back on board

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