best way to protect sweet corn seeds - loo rolls?

Started by newspud9, May 24, 2012, 21:45:57

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When I planted sweetcorn last year I feel sure I lost some seeds to mice. Is pushing empty loo rolls around them (the seeds not the mice - helpful comment from son!) until they start to show through something that others do.  Does anyone use down-turned plastic cups (maybe with holes poked in the top) for the same kind of thing.  Always found that trying to cover with fleece or netting a bit of a pian to set up and keep in place.

Thanks for all the comments.



If you have plastic cups why not set them away in the cups and transplant out when they are big enough
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Thanks davyw1... i tried that last year (twice) but they just wouldnt take.  am cursed with a no-sunshine backyard and difficult to get capture the right conditions, so have always had to sow direct.

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