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The joys of a London plot...

Started by BarriedaleNick, May 27, 2012, 07:50:59

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A few week back we had all sorts of stuff getting nicked from the site - odd stuff too.  Bags of compost, two bins, bottles of slug pellets, machete, random poles, debris netting and of course tools like spades and forks.
Also there were breakins on the Road that we back onto and they seemed to be using our site as an entry point.

All this caused a lot of work for me and the committee as the residents and plotholders started getting (quite rightly) seriously hacked off.  People began to suspect each other, we had to involve the police and as sec I had to try to talk to the locals to keep everyone happy.

Then a week or so later Ron, our 80 yr old Italian bee keeper, spotted something in the woods next to us.  I was dispatched to investigate and found that some one had cleared a section of the undergrowth (machete) and planted cannabis plants using our compost and the bins that had been nicked.   Slug pellets everywhere and the poles were used to prop up some plastic sheeting (also nicked)..All our tools and other stuff were found...  Cue the old bill and BTP (we later found out they were coming across the railway) who were very cool and just let us take our property back without any hassle...

Jump to last Friday and I got to the plot to find the whole area shut down with the local old bill and ambulance in attendance...
Some depressed Londoner was sitting on the railbridge next us - apparently threatening to jump on to the tracks below.  He didn't jump and was taken away and the road eventually reopened...

Does anyone else get problems like this or are you in some rural idyll??
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


So you have entertainment included too. Sounds like a Miss Marples or Insp. Cleuso programme.I hope you are paying extra for all of this ;D
When I get old I don't want people thinking
                      "What a sweet little old lady"........
                             I want em saying
                    "Oh Crap! Whats she up to now ?"


May be he was upset because you'd nicked his cannabis plant :-\

goodlife don't get boring over there.

Well..I do have to say that at the moment we seem to be living in the middle of 'rural idyll'..I should really keep quiet about and not tempting faith, but it bless to have it quiet. We rarely do get anything major happening on our site , other than members having a go at each other from time to time, but seems like this heat had taken steam out of people at the time being. ;D
We have had now couple of months of nice and quiet period, it was our AGM that unsettled the 'dust' and there was some friendships torn apart with differing opinions.. ::)..and afterwards some wanted to prove some 'points' by being difficult with open gates etc. Finally the 'penny dropped' to those that life is too short for that sort of petty aggravation.

Other than that the old folk are still talking how years ago somebody from nearby pub took short cut to home through allotment lanes and ended up being found in one of the wells in 'not so good' condition...but like I said, that was yeeears ago and well have been well and truly covered so nothing like it would happen anymore, could not get away with it without being sued for it.


In our very first week onsite,we witnessed two overweight and out of breath bobbies chasing and eventually catching a young man,they threw him to the floor and proceeded to hoof him quite forcefully in his back. well,me being me decided to film it on my mobile and they didnt like that (funny hey) and threatenend to confiscate my mobile if I didnt delete it,which I did,couldnt be without my phone could I. In their defence they said I didn't know the lads history or what he was being arrested for, I told them I hoped they were proud of themselves....nothing has happened since!
when the going gets tough,the tough go digging


Conversely folks on our site are generally quite mellow and we rarely have rows or internal strife - even our communal work days go well.  Just occaisionally we are reminded that London is just outside the gates waiting for us!!!
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Give us a ring when your skunk is ready  ;D


Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Quote from: BarriedaleNick on May 28, 2012, 08:19:20
Conversely folks on our site are generally quite mellow and we rarely have rows or internal strife - even our communal work days go well.  Just occaisionally we are reminded that London is just outside the gates waiting for us!!!

Maybe that's the cannabis- isn't that waht it is supposed to do to you!


Quote from: pumpkinlover on May 29, 2012, 07:29:21
Maybe that's the cannabis- isn't that waht it is supposed to do to you!

I couldn't possibly comment!
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!

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