When can i pick this boston Squash

Started by RenishawPhil, July 20, 2012, 17:50:30

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When do people think this will be ok to pick?, so its got plenty of taste? Dont want to leave it just because its a winter squash nor do i want to pick it up to early!



It should not be picked until the plant dies down in the Autumn.
For a quick guide for the Growing, Storing and Cooking of your own Fruit and Vegetables, go to www.growyourown.info


Here is a picture what Boston marrow should look like when it is mature.  Much bigger than yours and the colour should be more orangey.

It is far too early.  Nothing stopping you harvesting it now and eating it as a courgette substitute, but it won't have the flavour of mature winter squash and it won't keep either.  Even at this stage you need to remove the immature seeds because they are already too woody to eat.  When you have removed these, there isn't that much food left.  Better to let it mature properly and enjoy it at Christmas time.

A picture and a bit of info about Boston Marrow



Leave it till autumn, that's when the taste develops... They do get quite large though, the biggest cucurbit I've ever grown was a Boston Winter....


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