What I've got/what I want

Started by Uncle Ted, September 29, 2012, 14:49:14

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Uncle Ted

I have got;  Elephant Garlic (available now). I will have; Uluco, oca tubers, red yakon, chinese artichokes (available soon after the first frost)

  What I'm idealy looking for; Apios, Mashua, Mauka, but any other unusual veg/tubers will be considered

Uncle Ted


Hi UT... I dont have what you are looking for but I would love some elephant garlic. I love garlic and always heard about this.

I have the following to swap with..

Regards GJC

Gem squash - little gem - my speciality - I have loads... see info about them here www.GavinConway.net

potato onion - sets.. The potato onion (also known as multiplier onion) is a variety of the 'Aggregatum group' of Allium cepa, similar to the shallot, although producing larger bulbs (nine are still small tho) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_onion

Lettuce - All year round - opened
lettuce - mixed salad leaves
1 packet courgette - black beauty
carrots - birds eye - early nantes2
pointed cabbage - winningstadt - about 300 seeds..
pointed spring cabbage - mixed - wintergreen / flowers of spring / wheelers imperial
gourd - small mix- 10 seeds
gourd - speckled swan - 10 seeds
gourd - snake - 10 seeds
basil - sweet genovese
egg plant
castor oil plant - 20 seeds
giant pumpkin - dills atlantic 6 seeds
pumpkin - succa bottiglia

Now a member of the 10 Ton club.... (over 10 ton per acre)    2013  harvested 588 Kg from 165 sq mt..      see my web blog at...  http://www.gavinconway.net

Uncle Ted

Hi GJC.,
The onions sound favourite, get in touch via paulwilliamsdesign@hotmail.com and we can hammer out the final details


Hi - if you have some extra to spare of the potato onions I would love some

As a swap I could offer

Horseradish thongs
Ground Artichokes
Seakale thongs

On flower side
White Daffodils - Ice Follies
Double Primroses in Lavendar colour
young rooted primula seedlings
Seed from :-
White Sweet Rocket
White Foxgloves
White Honesty
White Lychnis

Hatching eggs from my Miss SugarNSpice

I love my traditional English Cuckoo Marans and their lovely big brown eggs


Quote from: Uncle Ted on October 01, 2012, 11:36:17
Hi GJC.,
The onions sound favourite, get in touch via paulwilliamsdesign@hotmail.com and we can hammer out the final details

I have sent you a PM to your profile with my details..
Now a member of the 10 Ton club.... (over 10 ton per acre)    2013  harvested 588 Kg from 165 sq mt..      see my web blog at...  http://www.gavinconway.net


Hi DBE... sorry but I dont have any potato onions left now...   GJC

Now a member of the 10 Ton club.... (over 10 ton per acre)    2013  harvested 588 Kg from 165 sq mt..      see my web blog at...  http://www.gavinconway.net


I love my traditional English Cuckoo Marans and their lovely big brown eggs

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