Protecting artichokes from frost

Started by caroline7758, October 26, 2012, 19:06:19

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It's friggin' freezing here this evening so I went down to the plot before dark to try to put some kind of protection  on my globe artichokes. But then I realised the leaves have not died back at all- in fact they are the healthiest-looking leaves I've ever seen on artichokes. But this menat i couldn't really get at the crowns to cover them up. Should I cut the leaves back? I stuffed some protection (leaves, mainly) in between the leaves but I'm not sure how much good that will do. Any ideas?


lottie lou

Mine were like that last year so I just mulched with straw around the roots and up the stems so not too much leaf was showing.  Worked for me.

Deb P

Managed to grow some small artichokes from seed this year, confess I hadn't realised I should think about mulching them!
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴

ed dibbles

Globe artichokes need very little coddling. They are tough plants that can take a bit of cold. There are plants on the plot that have come through -16C a few years back still producing artichokes the following summer.

Seedlings are of course another matter.

So mulch if you think it will help but they will also produce next year without any extra help. :happy7:


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