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URGENT advice needed!

Started by gerbera, November 01, 2012, 20:16:53

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Well, I was only saying to my OH a few days back that I'd like to keep a couple of hens when we move house...then we keep seeing a chicken running loose on the street (neighbours report several sightings over the past 2 days or so). I fed the chook earlier today with some scraps from the kitchen and watched it scamper off, presumably homeward bound.

However, the chicken decided to roost on our neighbour's windowsill this evening, so we've taken it in to prevent it from being frozen/eaten by cats. We don't have a shed or a greenhouse, so we've got it in the bathroom at the mo, with a box and a towel, some water in a shallow dish and a saucer of various bird-seed/suet/mealworms etc (which it's having a good old feed on!).

What on earth do I do next!? It seems to have lost a lot of feather-fluff from round it's neck, but seems otherwise healthy. Dunno what type of chook it is, looks quite small but the 'standard' orangey coloured feathers and colouring. Dunno if it's a girl or boy. But it's in my bathroom until I know what else to do!



Can we have a pic:) I take it she's in the dark now? Least she got a good appeitite :) maybe ask your neighbour's? Chickens don't really like being on their own!! But keep her company and she should be ok



And a close-up shot before bed-time!


Awww she's lovely!!!. You will have to call in sick tomoz to look after her.  I certainly wouldn't hesitate!!!!


Luckily, we're all off this week  :happy7:

Is it definitely a girly hen?


Actually looking at the pics I think it could be a male. But he/she is very cute


That could explain what has happened, it could be a young cockeral. It's owners maybe could not keep cockerals and could not face dispatching it, so have chucked him out. The tail looks abit cockeral but not the head furnishings so I'm not sure.
Either way if you keep him/her you will have to decide on housing I do not think many people keep house chickens!!


It's good that your off today. Gives you a bit of time to sort things out


Ok..pumpkinlover is could be young cockerel..though I would 'lean' towards 'girl' opinion.
If you could take a photo of it standing up so we can se its shape properly.
Loose running  chicken would not live very long as there is far too many predators out you've done right sheltering it indoors..for now. However...they do not 'freeze' outside, so unheated shed or even rabit hut or something similar would do for temperarely.
As foo feeding...they do looooooove mealworms but if you have wildbird seed mix handy..that would be better option to fill its tummy.
You can also give small amount bread that you have moistened first with water....don't give bread often or lots, just one off in a day and no more than half a slice! doesn't do any good for it as stable food.
Water needs to be available all the time!
These are the bare basics to keep your bird going....if you get the photo and we can rule the cockerel issue out...then you have to start thinking of how to keep her in more permanent accommodation and where to get friend or two for her  :toothy10:


Morning update: it's definitely a rooster! He's crowing away in the front porch at the moment with a belly full of bird seed and rather more 'attitude' than he had last night when he was tired out!


 :icon_cheers: Oh you've had proper wake up then.
Well...sounds like somebody didn't have heart to wring its neck or its been chased out by bigger and better cockerel.
If you are not going to keep it....I would suggest to see where its coming from, knock the door and pass the bird on owners arms before they have chance to deny its not theirs. can take it to local vet and say you found it running on street and ask them to deal with it...or..give a call to RSPCA/PDSA and see if they would take from your hands.

What you are planning to do now?


The young cockerel has now been collected by a very nice RSPCA lady.  :icon_cheers:


That's good must have been nice having him just for a few hours

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