Too early and cold to plant early potatoes?

Started by peanuts, March 18, 2013, 06:34:59

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if you plant in a hoop house or in pots/bins on a hot bed you might get early crop of potatoes or jump on you neighbors.



Mine won't be going out for a bit yet. Scotland, sleet, clay soil. Soon though, my pretties, soon....

George the Pigman

I have planted the lot at the end of April and had  a great crop! They catch up as the temperatures are higher.
No need to rush putting them in now - it's a recipe for disaster! I am in the West Midlands and we get some of the lowest winter temperatures in the UK.
I always think the garden centres and seed catalogues push them at us too early. In my local garden centres they have them in just after New Year!!


Some of mine went in for the Spud Challenge under cloches and finished the line weeks later , but the rest will wait until the cold snap finishes hopefully this weekend, he says tapping his toes.  :BangHead:     :coffee2:     :wave:


Its not likely to warm up to normal spring weather until mid April but if it stays dry an going to put them in nxt weekend


Soil still very cold and damp.  I am going to wait.  I have a few in buckets in the kitchen.


mine (lady christi) went in 2 days ago when the sun was trying to shine. It may have been a good decision as sun is out today and also for a few hours yesterday and more is forecast. I think they will be fine but will be getting the big fleeces out in a couple of weeks. It was either all lady c or dodging blight, I haven`t room for more than one type, they still fill 3 of my 8 x 4 raised beds. I can preserve excess spuds and that is my intention ie get them grown and preserved and into storage. Dehydrating or part roasting and frozen, they were great last year

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