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Started by ACE, April 09, 2013, 08:20:53

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Quote from: Nigel B on April 11, 2013, 19:13:02
I'm old enough to remember the 70's Obelix, but I'm not able to recall it through the same political filter as you seem to.
I remember jobs aplenty. Being able to leave one job on a Friday and find another by the following Monday was something we joked about. Skilled labour was something we were particularly good at. We led the world in engineering, marine and aeronautical skills. Thanks to the unions, we no longer had to tug the forelock to the works owner to beg permission to work for a pittance and without a thought for your safety or old age.

Then what happened, wasn't anything to do with your petty inter-party politics. In fact, it was the opposite.
It was the rise of the most vile creature yet. The modern career politician.
When business adds money to politics, that's when it all goes to hell in a hand-basket.

Where we are now is not due to one party or another, its due to career politicians simply taking their turn to make themselves rich under the guise of politicking. They lie, cheat, steal, make war, all for profit. The result is that's wrong with this country is rampant, unchecked Capitalism, or 'greed' as it used to be called. There isn't even a f*g-paper's width between the so-called parties.
The whole system is broken, and no amount of voting, be it for Labour, Tory, Lib-Dem or the bloody Popcorn Party is going to help.
Voting is something I have done at every opportunity since 1974. Not now though. I can no longer, in all good conscience, take part in what has become a circus.
To watch a prime minister standing up in the House of Commons knowingly lying to the house so as not to admit his/party's failings, is beyond a joke. Way beyond.
The next voting I'll do is with my feet. I'll gladly march to join others to bring down and replace this current state of affairs to a close. I'll do what I can to bring the real culprits to justice.
I'll do what I can to help replace failed capitalism with something a lot closer to a participatory democracy. But vote? Naah!

Viva la revolution!

Best post in ages. I'll be there with Caroline.
I hoe, I hoe, then off to work I go.


I hoe, I hoe, then off to work I go.


I'll just add this, posted on Facebook by a good friend:

So, Baroness Thatcher has died. I won't rejoice in her death like some, but neither will I shed a tear. I saw what she did to the community I grew up in, I saw how it was ripped apart, divided (and in some places still is). My parents, whilst not miners, worked in mining communities and saw 1st hand how local communities suffered. I never had to go to a soup kitchen, or steal coal, or beg for money - but plenty did. I was fortunate where many weren't.

As a teenager I remember friends standing on the picket lines with their fathers, as Thatcher brought in troops dressed as policemen, where "battles" happened daily, mounted police charging at the miners, picketers were chased through gardens and beaten with truncheons. She froze assets, stopped benefits, just so people were either forced to cross picket lines or go hungry – The lady was adamant she would win. No thought for the children who went hungry, none whatsoever.

For those that didn't live in those communities or those times, you will never understand – you will never understand why people hate her so much and rejoice today. So don't judge them, just try and understand why. Try and imagine that if somebody today, tried to take away your livelihood, tried to stop you receiving any money for you or your children, to the point of starvation - just to get over a political point – try and think how you would feel. Try to think how you would cope!

Then and only then will you begin to realise why they celebrate today.

I had to steal coal from the slag heaps, and cut down trees from the local woods to help keep us all warm. I was 15 at the time.
I hoe, I hoe, then off to work I go.


Nigel B - I do agree about the majority of the current crop of politicians being there to line their own pockets but I fear that altruistic politicians who do the job for the good of their constituents and their country have been a rare breed for some time.
Obxx - Vendée France


She was  primarily a person, a wife, a mother. RIP Maggie XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Ten million, they certainly know how to put peoples backs up. Even though I do not hold with a lot of the disrepect Ten million is a hell of a lot of money. Just think how that would have saved jobs, wards, schools etc. They tax my pension, which if it helps somebody is alright but to blow it on a funeral is really annoying me. This is just the funeral. the statue, MP's attendance allowances, policing civil unrest because of the bad feeling this is generating will at least double it.


got to no 2 in the charts
maggi wouldn't have liked coming 2 nd.


 I really do not think this goverment relises what a very big mistake they are making with this 10 million funeral.
I think Wednesday is going to be  a very mixed bag of likes & dislikes  on the streets of london." BIG MISTAKE" Cameron. :angry4:

Mrs Tweedy

I'll be there with you Nigel, Caroline and Robinhood.
But I will still be voting even if 'for none of the above'. Women died for my right to vote. Grandma would be back to haunt me if I didn't.

I am sick of the fawning and constant news about her in death. OK she was old, she died, let her family bury her at their expense. They profitted from her time in office.

How many of us will pop our clogs in the Ritz.
I was totally opposed to her and her Rottweiler politics and I am incandescent about using tax payers money to put on a show at our expense especially in these really tough times. :BangHead:

Just think of the useful things that could be done with all that money. It could be used to bail out another bank and give greedy bankers a bigger bonus. :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

And as for the appalling lot of politicians we have had since her deposition and their mismanagement of the affairs Englaise, then a plague on all their houses.


Nigel B

Driving me bonkers this is. Mrs Tweedy, Caroline and Robinhood, I'll be proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you all.

How the b****y h**l this 'somebody's Mother' gets all this treatment if waaay beyond me.

I just heard one commentator describing how 'Sir' Mark Thatcher turned up early before the rest because, and this is an almost-quote, "He's an organiser."


Actually, that's correct!

He's a b****y organiser all right! 

In 2005 he was convicted and given a four year suspended jail sentence in South Africa in relation to the 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d'état attempt.
How's that for organising? I can barely  organise my seed-box, never mind the illegal military overthrow of another country!

Also organised, is his tax-free overseas accounts. Back in 2004 the Sunday Times estimated his wealth at £60 million, most of they suggested was in offshore accounts.  He left the UK in 1986, and since then has lived in the USA, Switzerland, South Africa and more recently in Monaco, Gibraltar, Barbados, Guernsey and Spain. (Wiki)

He's only Sir Mark Thatcher because his dad died and he inherited his title! Most people would have had their title stripped from them for just some of the stuff he's been up to. 

Never mind the arms deals and the rest.

Still, all said and done, its our own fault for putting up with it all.
If we cared. Even a small amount. We'd have heads on pikes at Traitors Gate and a clean sweep of the lot!

Gnash gnash......  :BangHead:

"Carry on therefore with your good work.  Do not rest on your spades, except for those brief periods which are every gardeners privilege."


It is just awful. Even if I was a tory, I would accept that a huge number of people in the country hated her and all that she stood for and that all this pomp and ceremony is an insult to all of us who are paying for it. Now we have George Osborne snivelling tears when he has wielded the axe over the poorest in society with no compassion at all. As for all the talk of what her faith meant to her, well she was nothing like any Christian I have ever respected. What a bunch of hypocrites.


Quote from: Nigel B on April 17, 2013, 11:18:47
Driving me bonkers this is. Mrs Tweedy, Caroline and Robinhood, I'll be proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you all.

How the b****y h**l this 'somebody's Mother' gets all this treatment if waaay beyond me.

I just heard one commentator describing how 'Sir' Mark Thatcher turned up early before the rest because, and this is an almost-quote, "He's an organiser."


Actually, that's correct!

He's a b****y organiser all right! 

In 2005 he was convicted and given a four year suspended jail sentence in South Africa in relation to the 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d'état attempt.
How's that for organising? I can barely  organise my seed-box, never mind the illegal military overthrow of another country!

Also organised, is his tax-free overseas accounts. Back in 2004 the Sunday Times estimated his wealth at £60 million, most of they suggested was in offshore accounts.  He left the UK in 1986, and since then has lived in the USA, Switzerland, South Africa and more recently in Monaco, Gibraltar, Barbados, Guernsey and Spain. (Wiki)

He's only Sir Mark Thatcher because his dad died and he inherited his title! Most people would have had their title stripped from them for just some of the stuff he's been up to. 

Never mind the arms deals and the rest.

Still, all said and done, its our own fault for putting up with it all.
If we cared. Even a small amount. We'd have heads on pikes at Traitors Gate and a clean sweep of the lot!

Gnash gnash......  :BangHead:

Didn't he get lost in the desert and dear MT want to send in the troops to try and find him? :BangHead:


Quote from: Nigel B on April 17, 2013, 11:18:47
Driving me bonkers this is. Mrs Tweedy, Caroline and Robinhood, I'll be proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you all.

How the b****y h**l this 'somebody's Mother' gets all this treatment if waaay beyond me.

I just heard one commentator describing how 'Sir' Mark Thatcher turned up early before the rest because, and this is an almost-quote, "He's an organiser."


Actually, that's correct!

I was there ...I lived through it...I saw friends into their graves because they committed suicide because of HER...she has 'FAMILY' 'RESPECT'...when the police charge you on horseback, when you are starved and losing your to me of 'RESPECT' then for the person responsible...for her....I HAVE NONE, for her simpering, sychophantic minor celebrity children one of whom only escapes South African jail for instigating a coup... I have NO RESPECT...for all of them whoi had JIMMY SAVILLE to XMAS dinner 10 years in a row...I HAVE NO RESPECT....for the bised MEDIA, BBC and the ratbag TORIES who are decimating this country I HAVE NO RESPECT!....
If you got this far ALLOTMENTERS... remember this it was the working classes , and miners in particular who set up and maintained allotments...when the working classes were decimated by HER the allotments were slowly but surely sold off and dissappeared, and now there are waiting lists....WAKE UP PEOPLE for pity sake WAKE UP!

He's a b****y organiser all right! 

In 2005 he was convicted and given a four year suspended jail sentence in South Africa in relation to the 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d'état attempt.
How's that for organising? I can barely  organise my seed-box, never mind the illegal military overthrow of another country!

Also organised, is his tax-free overseas accounts. Back in 2004 the Sunday Times estimated his wealth at £60 million, most of they suggested was in offshore accounts.  He left the UK in 1986, and since then has lived in the USA, Switzerland, South Africa and more recently in Monaco, Gibraltar, Barbados, Guernsey and Spain. (Wiki)

He's only Sir Mark Thatcher because his dad died and he inherited his title! Most people would have had their title stripped from them for just some of the stuff he's been up to. 

Never mind the arms deals and the rest.

Still, all said and done, its our own fault for putting up with it all.
If we cared. Even a small amount. We'd have heads on pikes at Traitors Gate and a clean sweep of the lot!

Gnash gnash......  :BangHead:
Dirty fingernails are a sign of a healthy garden!


Quote from: ACE on April 11, 2013, 17:46:15
I  I am wondering if it will also be a day for slipping some bad news by us, hoping we will not notice.

Like the latest unemployment figures .................


Sorry...not used to this board yet...this was my tuppence worth....

I was there ...I lived through it...I saw friends into their graves because they committed suicide because of HER...she has 'FAMILY' 'RESPECT'...when the police charge you on horseback, when you are starved and losing your to me of 'RESPECT' then for the person responsible...for her....I HAVE NONE, for her simpering, sychophantic minor celebrity children one of whom only escapes South African jail for instigating a coup... I have NO RESPECT...for all of them whoi had JIMMY SAVILLE to XMAS dinner 10 years in a row...I HAVE NO RESPECT....for the bised MEDIA, BBC and the ratbag TORIES who are decimating this country I HAVE NO RESPECT!....
If you got this far ALLOTMENTERS... remember this it was the working classes , and miners in particular who set up and maintained allotments...when the working classes were decimated by HER the allotments were slowly but surely sold off and dissappeared, and now there are waiting lists....WAKE UP PEOPLE for pity sake WAKE UP!

and I meant to say the rest of it was WELL SAID! (the quote bit)

Dirty fingernails are a sign of a healthy garden!


Did anybody see George Galloway and Dennis Skinner last night in the commans  they were absolutely right what they said why should the pm be allowed to dodge pmqs for 5 weeks and why should the tax payer foot the bill for her funeral.What she did is unforgivable such as closing down the pits decimating the shipyards and textiles and engineering ,selling off the utility industries off to foreigners who now rip us off with the price of our fuel bills.  I am a union rep and also work as a volunteer advise worker for our local citizens advise bureau and what worries me what I saw as a young man in the eighties  I am seeing all again but far more worse than it was then under this shower of s***.Lib/Dems should hang their heads in shame for allowing this to happen and they have committed political suicide of which I am sure they are aware.Nomspatch I agree totally with you


The ceremony was good, apart from what anyone thinks about Margaret Thatcher.  Perhaps we could do it again with all the horses, etc. just as a good day out and no funeral.  Not sure that it was a good idea, but don't think throwing things at the horses and upsetting them was right, they had no choice.  Hope the mararthon goes OK.  All over now, St Pauls looked good, so lets all forget it.

Poppy Mole

Can someone please tell me what exactly cost all the money that is being quoted?


I was told 5 mill on security  :BangHead:


"I was told 5 million on security"

Why who the hell wnts to steal a corpse..her friend Saville is dead...
Dirty fingernails are a sign of a healthy garden!

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