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Pear tree problem

Started by tricia, May 31, 2013, 10:48:00

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My Doyenne du Comice pear tree is loaded with small fruit but has also developed black spots on lots of the leaves plus some sort of aphid is curling the leaves of new growth. It is not possible to pick off the affected leaves - too numerous - so is there something specific I can spray the tree with? I have a family pear tree in another part of the garden which is not affected.

This happened last year too and the fruit eventually ended up very scabbed so - being slightly more mobile this year I would like to do something about the problem - but what?




Garlic spray will do wonders is natural fungicide and will reduce the black spots on leaves and fruit. It won't get rid of it this year anymore, once it has 'set' in it will stay and fallen leaves will carry on spreading the problem for following year. But you can certainly reduce the occurrence for next year.
I spray my pears (one is same variety as yours and seem to get the problem very easily) and apples with home made garlic spray just as the buds are starting open...and second time after the flower petals have fallen...and third time few weeks after that. I've done for 3 years running and the affected trees look totally different now and put loads of healthy looking growth on. They are not totally 'clean' but the odd spot here and there are so weak that it doesn't cause problems.
You can buy commercial garlic spray or make your own by just cutting few garlic bulbs in half and soaking them in couple of litres of water until the water is looking horrid and stinks really bad...about couple of weeks..take some of the garlic 'stew' into sprayer and dilute with more water..about cupfull for 2-3 litres of water. The 'stew' and ready made spray will keep for the summer so you are not in hurry to use it up..I would take the garlic off from stew after few weeks so they don't go totally slimy in storage.
Your other option is to buy chemical fungicide....

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