Scrawny carrots, nice apples etc...

Started by Beer_Belly, November 04, 2003, 13:51:31

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Scrawny carrots (from my garden before I got my lottie)

Next doors walnut tree that overhangs my garden.

My apples (only had 4 on the whole tree so was loathe to thin them.

Various peppers

A very healthy plateful



Those peppers look juicy BB were they grown outside or under cover?


- never seen walnuts hanging on the tree like that - ours are either (this year) stolen by squirrels or they drop off in their 'coat' and go black on the ground. - Tim


The peppers were grown in the greenhouse.


I always grow carrots in the greenhouse, it has raised beds ( 2 courses of blocks) so they come out nice ;D. Tried peppers for the past 2 years but no joy, they get to a certain size and stop growing, (these are grown in a different greenhouse from the tomatos and carrots).
The apple trees are doing well though, had a nice crop for the past 4 years, these are the step-over type and split the lottie into 3 sections ;).
One question can you grow chinese lanterns in the greenhouse with other crops or do they need seperate housing ?
I must buy a digi camera and show my produce ( not as good as yours  BB) ;D


I was hoping to grow peppers outside next year in the open ground - tried them in pots to see if they would come true from shop bought  but they didnt grow very large- I expect because I didnt water them enough
Chinese lanterns grow outside round here - but dont think they are edible ones ???
Stepover apple trees sound a great idea - did they take long to train and what sort are they. Already have 2 medium sized trees which arent terribly productive but thats probably because they were choked by brambles and weeds. Not sure how to feed them to encourage more fruit next season and all the pruning books start from first year.


Sorry ciderself they were there when i got the lottie :-/ , they look quite old as the trunks are about 6" round. I prune them about this time of year when i get time that is :-/ but the apples are red/yellow and grow to about 3/4". I feed them now with blood fish and bone (organic of course) and that's all i do  ;D .


Ah well praps I might have a go - if I ever get all the ground clear - Once they're trained they must be so much easier to prune and harvest .
 Better concentrate on basics first eh like spuds and bean trenches?


Harvesting give me a bad back stooping so low or is it old age?. Ah well the shape of thing to come .


Chinese Lanterns? -  we have them growing wild, self-seeded.
 Small peppers? Were they meant to be small? Or did you not feed them /regularly/ with a high potash feed? - Tim


Arent they related to those chinese gooseberry thingeys? They look very similar?


Do you mean Physalis peruviana or as it is more commonly known as Cape Gooseberry ? Some one grew them this year I think it was Eric ( could be mistaken).He said they had taken over his Greenhouse and not to feed them.I got a packet of seeds to try next year.I like to try different things.
Earth fills her lap with treasures of her own.


Thats the one
Am I suffering from deja vu or was this mentioned earlier in another posting?
Should I plant a gingko tree to help the old memory along a bit?


Will you send me a bit if you do as i can't remember who gave me the advice or in which board it was on.
Earth fills her lap with treasures of her own.


Who am i, where do i come from, who said that!, some for me please the old sawdust is getting a bit damp ;D .

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