Productive allotment day.

Started by Alipip, April 10, 2014, 15:17:01

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My daughter decided to come and help me today, bringing grand daughter with her. We got loads done - really pleased. Got weeded between the onions and garlic which are coming up, daughter was hoeing, and got over half the plot done. Was well dug over so just keeping on top of the little weeds coming through. Got 2 rows of onion sets in, and a row of beetroot. Very pleased. Sun is shining, so all good. Hope you all had a good day too. :toothy10:



We certainly had a good day too.  Got the last of the spuds planted, plus some more spinach, plus the first of the peas and some sweet peas.  Plenty still to do, though!

markfield rover

Here too, such a lovely day!! Tired and happy.


I'm worried about a late frost in South Hampshire. Got lots to plant to plant out that are gaging for fresh air and an area to grow in!!!!

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