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Started by driver 6, August 09, 2014, 13:59:58

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driver 6

hi everyone,I Have just cleared an area 25x15 that was really over grown with thistle weeds dead wood leafs wild flowers and so on my question is can all this be composted i have it all in a builders bag at the moment my idea is to grow some veg with my grand children.

Many Thanks Michael.....

driver 6

Tee Gee

This is a difficult because the word ' weeds' covers a lot.

Generally the answer is yes providing you let them rot down but if they have run to seed you might have problems the following year as these often survive the composting process!

This article might help;


Shove them in the bag and cover them. That'll do it.


I put all sorts of rubbish (perennial roots as well as annual weeds) in my builders bags (2) and covered and left them.....took a long time, but everything disappeared and became a good loam. I know it's not recommended, but it does seem to work.


That's pretty much what I do. Nothing can survive without light, after all. I think it's only people who want quick compost who have to be careful about perennials.

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