Relative tomato plant heights

Started by sunloving, March 06, 2016, 09:48:23

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I'm growing varieties new to me this year and want to make sure the tallest plants go at the back! I'm used to growing sun gold and gd to four or five trusses and wondered if you guys know how tall comparitively yellow and red pear, and brandy boy might grow. I'm assuming that brandy boy will have terminal flowers like mamande and so be stocky rather than tall? What do you think?  :wave:
X sun loving



Haven't grown Brandy Boy but Yellow Pear was one of the tallest in greenhouse for us.

Tee Gee

Quotewant to make sure the tallest plants go at the back

This is not always the best thing to do particularly if they are near the glass on the best lit part of the greenhouse.

In such a situation they will shade the smaller plants on the inside,if planted the  other way round the inner row will get more light.


Quote from: Tee Gee on March 06, 2016, 10:01:59
Quotewant to make sure the tallest plants go at the back

This is not always the best thing to do particularly if they are near the glass on the best lit part of the greenhouse.

In such a situation they will shade the smaller plants on the inside,if planted the  other way round the inner row will get more light.
Hi teegee  the beds are south facing and so the tallest will go at the northern edge to avoid just this, although I reckon it will beso hot that maybe I want a shading effect from the southern side, have got hundreds of sweet peas at the ready for the outside!


Had a wee look...yellow and red pear info says 6-12 feet....Brandyboy max height reported as 72 inches :)


Sunloving, they are all nominally 'tall' tomatoes.  I wouldn't worry.  You can always stop growth further down the track if you think it is a problem.  As no two plants out of the packet are exactly the same anyway, just go with what presents itself later this year.  If you are thinking of stopping a plant, you can always let a sideshoot grow away to maximise yield unless the plant is too close to the next plant.  Wouldn't worry about it at this stage  :wave:


Many cherry tomato cordon varieties do have a tendency to be tall growing and vigorous and some are downright unruly! I've just sown some Brandy Boy F1, first time growing and if I were growing them alongside your cherry selection I'd plant them in the front as it were. Even though you are pinching out at 5 trusses Brandy Boy might take a while longer to get there and get a bit swamped.
Seed Circle site
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania


Quote from: Jayb on March 08, 2016, 10:31:12
Many cherry tomato cordon varieties do have a tendency to be tall growing and vigorous and some are downright unruly! I've just sown some Brandy Boy F1, first time growing and if I were growing them alongside your cherry selection I'd plant them in the front as it were. Even though you are pinching out at 5 trusses Brandy Boy might take a while longer to get there and get a bit swamped.
That's just what I was wondering, sun gold would happily turn into a giant daddy long legs if you turned your back for a week! Will be good to have someone else trying brandy boy to compare how it does here in midlands Ireland with you.
Have to say now I have the tunnel I'm very tempted to let something go up and up just to see the limit of what might ripen , might let some gsd go for it an see what happens ( blight probably) .
It's lovely to have lots of tom seedling putting on bulk in the spare room it's a long wait for the first ripe tom though!
X sunloving


just had a count up im growing 13 different types this year as its the year of the tom mountain magic fandango pink charmer red pear gardeners delight principe borchese  golden cherry couere  de bue tamina alicante idle moneymaker sungold might try red cherry ten of each 5 outdoors 5 in greenhouse and im glad you pointed out how high red pear gets ill put that down the middle
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you


tend to agree with Galina's view above. They are all quite tall cordons and this won't make much difference just need to keep an eye so they dont strangle each other.


Quote from: sunloving on March 08, 2016, 22:01:13
That's just what I was wondering, sun gold would happily turn into a giant daddy long legs if you turned your back for a week! Will be good to have someone else trying brandy boy to compare how it does here in midlands Ireland with you.
Have to say now I have the tunnel I'm very tempted to let something go up and up just to see the limit of what might ripen , might let some gsd go for it an see what happens ( blight probably) .
It's lovely to have lots of tom seedling putting on bulk in the spare room it's a long wait for the first ripe tom though!
X sunloving

Lol, it happens to me most years! Have you tried growing Coyote yet? They take some watching to keep them pruned even into a semi-triffid.

Yes, it'll be good to compare, though it'll be rainy Wales here.My two little Brandy boys popped up yesterday  :toothy10:

I grow quite a lot of toms in a poly-tunnel and rarely pinch them out height wise. until they are a good six foot or so. Sungold will just keep on going and going. We get blight in there some years. I find if you catch it early and are able to keep removing infected leaves, losses can usually be kept low.

Tomato season, can't wait  :blob7:

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