Probably a very stupid question! Cleaning and overwintering

Started by lifesahaze, April 06, 2016, 20:56:20

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OK, this is probably really simple but I can fail at the simple stuff!

I overwinter my chillies and some other plants in my greenhouse, and I must admit my greenhouse it probably fuller than it should be.  (Not the most organised person in the world, I hate to say).  The question is: if you keep plants going in the greenhouse through the winter, particularly big ones, when/how do you best clean your greenhouse? 



I pick a fine day and put them all outside whilst I wash the gh down. Then put them back again in the afternoon. I also try to rehome some of the plants at this point to sheltered spots or compost bin if I think they haven't made it.


I have the same problem, lifesahaze.  I have stuff growing actually in the soil, not in pots, so taking them out is not an option.  I usually clean the glass in spring, but don't use products.  A very small drop of Ecover in a bucket of water, or just elbow grease and warm water.  Haven't noticed any detrimental effects on the plants in the greenhouse from the splashes.  :wave:

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