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Happy Birthday Pescador

Started by galina, December 08, 2016, 08:48:20

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Happy Birthday Pescador with all best wishes for Health, Wealth and Happiness!

:blob6: :blob9: :blob10: :blob1: :blob8: :blob3: :occasion15: :icon_flower:  :blob6: :blob9: :blob10: :blob1: :blob8: :blob3:

Hope your plans for the move will go smoothly and most of all here's to much better times to come!   :icon_cheers: 



Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

Visit My Blog if you would like to


 :wav: Happy Birthday Pescador - hope you are keeping well.  :occasion15:

Tricia  :wave:


 happy birthday hope you have  a great day :occasion13: :occasion13: :occasion13:
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you


A very big Thank-You to all of you.
There were quite a few days earlier in the year when I wasn't sure if I'd make today, but with the amazing doctors and nurses at the hospital and all the support and comments from A4A, friends and family, I'm here!!
The allotment is looking tidier than ever before and the Preserves sales in the last 4 weeks have been excellent.
Getting ready now for Christmas in Madeira and then back for the marmalade season!!
Onwards and Upwards.
Thank you again for all your support, and a Very Happy and Healthy Christmas to you!
Like us on Facebook. Paul's Preserves and Pickles.
Miskin, Pontyclun. S. Wales.
Every pickle helps!


Glad that you are on the UP. Happy birthday, Christmas in Madeira sounds fantastic


So wonderful to hear you are doing so well, hope you had a lovely birthday  :toothy10:

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