Harrogate 2016 Heaviest Veg

Started by Tee Gee, September 18, 2016, 14:24:51

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Tee Gee

Hi all I went to this show on Friday and took a few pics. I didn't photograph all of the exhibits but here are a few with a few details ( courtesy of the show website) on what was on the benches.

Apologies for the quality of some of the pictures as things have changed a bit since last year and I could not always get as close to the exhibits as I would have liked so there was a bit of hand shake!

ps. There were two tomato classes so I do not know if I have the picture in the correct class.

Generally the veg show was a bit chaotic when I was there as the judges had just finished and all the weights & measure had not been put in place, hence the guess with the tomatoe entry.

Class 1 – One Heaviest Onion
1st    Joe Atherton      7.01kg

2nd    Peter Glazebrook   6.72kg

3rd    Gareth Griffin      6.53kg

Class 130 – One Heaviest Gigantomo Tomato

1st    Walter Stringfellow   1.415kg

2nd    E Walker      1.315kg
3rd    H Oughton      1.16kg

Class 131 – One Heaviest Marrow

1st    J Snaith      47.1kg

2nd    Brian Marshall      44.7kg
3rd    Ian Neale      44.2kg

Class 132 – One Heaviest Cabbage, Washed Roots

1st    Paul Bastow      25.4kg

2nd   J Hollinrake      24.6kg
3rd   M Pateman      19.8kg

Class 133 – One Heaviest Potato

1st   Peter Glazebrook   2.08kg

2nd    H Oughton      1.714kg   
3rd   Joe Atherton      1.638kg

Class 134 – One Heaviest Tomato

1st    Peter Glazebrook   2.055kg
2nd   W Griffin      1.899kg      
3rd   D Unsworth      1.724kg

Class 135 – One Longest Runner Bean

1st   Joe Atherton      790mm
2nd    Mr & Mrs Rogers   780mm
3rd    Peter Glazebrook   770mm

Class 136 – One Longest Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus)

1st   I Neale       860mm

2nd   H Oughton      830mm
3rd    J Dale         800mm

Class 137 – One Heaviest Leek

1st   Peter Glazebrook   8.5kg

2nd   S Purvis      7.5kg
3rd    Margaret Birch    5.8kg

Class 138 – One Heaviest Beetroot

1st   Peter Glazebrook   11.52kg

2nd   Ian Neale      11.195kg
3rd    Joe Atherton      10.05kg

Class 139 – One Heaviest Stick of Rhubarb

1st   Margaret Birks      700g
2nd   E Malcom      695g
3rd    N Pattison      684g

Class 140 – One Heaviest Pumpkin

1st   Brian Marshall    139.5kg

2nd   D Taylor      79.6kg
3rd    C Elliot         77.5kg

Class 141 – One Heaviest Carrot

1st   Peter Glazebrook   7.97kg

2nd   R F Jackson      3.47kg
3rd    Ian Neale      3.22kg

Class 142 – One Heaviest Parsnip

1st   Peter Glazebrook   3.95kg

2nd   Joe Atherton      3.54kg
3rd    Paul Bastow      2.98kg

Heaviest three Onions (sorry I didn't get the weight

Tee Gee


there are some monsters amongst that lot tg bet you had a great tme
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you

Tee Gee


Quote from: Tee Gee on September 18, 2016, 16:27:26
Is it on a lead tray?  :toothy10:
it would have to be to get in the same street as those monsters
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you

Tee Gee

I misread the scales I read them as around 5½ kg hence the lead crack but half a kilo is not bad for a  :newbie:


Quote from: Tee Gee on September 18, 2016, 16:56:41
I misread the scales I read them as around 5½ kg hence the lead crack but half a kilo is not bad for a  :newbie:
i didnt grow big toms this year they are big daddy just a beefsteak might give that gigawhat ever it is next season and see what i can grow
johhnyc015  may the plot be with you


WOW!  Just amazing.  However I always wonder what on earth growers do with them afterwards.  Are they even edible anymore?  :wave:


Wow monster sized veg, like Galina I wonder if they are still edible?

Tee Gee

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