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My Nans Skate Wing

Started by gazza1960, January 26, 2018, 20:53:47

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My Nan,s Skate Wing Circa simple,id wander in from skool and me nan would show me the wing of skate for me grandad,of course as an 8 year old I didnt have a clue what the bloody hell a skate was,still she would oil and season the wing and lob a big thingy of better in a hot pan,meanwhile the oven was put on 200 back to the wing,it sat sizzling in the hot butter for about 90 seconds each side .once nicely browned its.removed then she put the pan in the oven with a few tommes on the vine,5 minutes gone she would lob in 2 hunks of cottage loaf and leave it all to carry on cooking for another 5 mins or so.....with teflon fingers she,d remove the pan and straight on the plate for me sauces or fancy herbs..just roasted Skate in hot butter of course he was ol skool and wiped the plate with the crusty bread.........the bones was all i got if i was lucky.....bloody lovely Daisy he would say !!!!!!!!!....50 years on im still scoffing it.

Delish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



lottie lou

Skate and rock salmon, (AKA huss) were my fave fish when I lived in London.  Never see it in the Midlands thou, not even in the market. Very sad

Yorkshire Lass

It's good to see your recipes again, Gazza.   I have missed them.


Am I alone in quickly glancing at the title and seeing " My Gran's bingo wings" ?


Pumpkinlover.... no you're not!!
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naaaaaaaaaaaaa   cant see Bingo Wings.........talking of which she was the queen bee on her bingo table with her many minions around her....Daisy was Top Boss.....half time would come and she would say C,mon Gary up on the stage so there I am playing a few tunes on my Accordion dressed in my Boys Brigade outfit with an upturned sailors hat........I then see threepences (for those that can recall them) appearing in the hat.....I come back and thinks.....kerching  !!!!!!!!! then....take your pennies to Grandad at the bar and get all the nice ladies a gods there goes me sherbert dab money.............still it taught me generosity.......and yes the ladies would buy me back a coke and salt and pepper crisps with the blue salt bag ....all evening....she taught me so much my nan about people.

Bingo wings I ask you..... :tongue3:


What are "Gran's bingo wings" please??? 

It's strange that Pumpkinlover and Pescador both saw the title as that!  I have never heard of that saying before. 

I remember the "thrupenny bits" though.  I had to look up how to spell that and in doing so, I came across a Cockney Rhyming Slang website and it was on there .... say no more.  I also remember the blue salt bags in the packets of crisps. 

My Mum used to cook skate wings when I was a child, but it has gone out of fashion over the years.   Saying that though, I saw some in Waitrose a couple of weeks back but they were expensive. 


Bingo wings are what people call the flabby skin that women of a certain age get on their upper arms!   :hmh:
Located in Royston, North Herts.


lottie lou

Thank you Pauline7 I'll try to get to a Waitrose to have a look.  None in the Bull Ring market although what must be every other fish in the world sold there


Gazza, you have many fond memories of a loving Nan  :happy7:


no excuses Pauline you and john can go and catch your Rays for your supper.....and yes they are expensive...but we have them as a treat....I catch them but cant kill them....must be going soft  !!!!!!!!!!    one thing I will say is if you buy it from a fish counter I always freeeeze mine for at least 24 hours as they are well known for producing ammonia .....I have opened a fresh caught one if cooked in foil to be met with a disgusting aroma......its something to do with the fishes defences when killed its "waterworx" system permeates the fish flesh.......freezing gets rid......simples.


Thanks for that info Gazza! I once had skate which stank in a high end restaurant in France. When I complained the chef looked down his nose at me and said 'Madam, that is how it is eaten in France'. I couldn't eat it though! It was a long time ago but I can still hear the disdainful tone of the chef's voice!

Tricia :wave:


I love skate and when i was younger we would have the middle which you cant find any more either. My local does it and you have to give them an hour or so to cook it as its frozen but still yum :) I also gike gruper which i have had in new zealand but sadly i cant find it here.

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