chicken bedding - composting

Started by Danno, March 23, 2018, 14:46:22

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Hi everyone. I have a few chickens and i'm getting some more soon. i'm using wood shaving for bedding and i have a compost bin which i solely use for the bedding. my question is will it break down just shavings and chicken poo? I'm not fussed if it takes a year with turning every few weeks as i have plenty of compost bins for everything else.



Hi - I've been thinking about getting chickens and doing a bit of research on the practicalities.   It should break down OK but you may need to wet the wood shavings to help it along.  It also needs to get hot for a few days to break down any pathogens but will then make great garden compost.   I found this article informative -

Jury still out here tho as we have 2 dogs and 2 cats who would probably find chucks fascinating and we like to be able to go away occasionally.
Obxx - Vendée France


I throw my chicken bedding in with the grass cuttings and food waste to add moisture and organic content but it will break down on its own. 
Cats are fine with chickens - actually our cats are wary of the ladies and give them a wide berth.  Dogs may be more of an issue.  We do leave them for weekends but any longer and we get the cat lady to come round to feed both the cats and hens
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


Same here. I use wood shavings for bedding, everything that is compostable goes into the same pile, the theory is the bigger the pile the hotter it gets. Once it cools, then the worms move in to do their work.


Get a bail of oilseed rape straw, it has good reports for horse bedding and rots down within 6 months, shop around for the best prices  :happy7:
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