any suggestions for using our grape harvest please

Started by gazza1960, August 19, 2018, 08:52:26

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Best we have ever had them with around 40 to 50 bunches,not Ultra sweet and yes they have 2 small pips.....but me being a Diabetic I only ever eat a few ...any ideas as never made Grape jams etc..........and no im not stompin on them so the local winios can drink it........... :blob7:

oh and ours is a Muscat Bleu

we have some Cooking apples as well so maybe chutneys...not sure......any thoughts...?





Like us on Facebook. Paul's Preserves and Pickles.
Miskin, Pontyclun. S. Wales.
Every pickle helps!


Cheers Pescador,one issue is these are seeded variety and the recipe asked for guessing the seeding will leave split half's with grape flesh within the mixture so not sure if the resulting grapes would be tasty....still thanks.


We add grapes to curry.
lf you live in London there is a winery which recieves grapes and makes wine.


Pheasant with grapes and walnuts is a classic dish as is sole véronique but why not try making verjus?  It can be used in several recipes and is hard to find, even here in grape growing land.
Obxx - Vendée France


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Miskin, Pontyclun. S. Wales.
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