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Winter Bedtime

Started by Tee Gee, November 17, 2018, 13:50:19

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Tee Gee

As many of you know I am in the process of changing my garden around and to do so I have had to lift lots of perennials that I have grown for many years.

Ideally I would have liked to have lifted the plants and transplanted them right away but my problem is ....I have loads of spring bulbs dotted over my garden which creates a bit of a problem!  Sods Law says if I transplanted here or there,  there is a good chance I will plant on top of a clump of bulbs so my plan is to wait till spring see where the bulbs are and plant my saved plants either between them or indeed if needs be; lift the spring bulbs and basically start again....I will decide what is best in Spring!

What I have done over the past month or so is divide plants that I want to keep and have potted them up to grow on until planting out time. I have put them in an unheated greenhouse rather than in a sheltered spot outdoors which I think they will tolerate! That is they may get cold but they won't get too wet and I think that it is a combination of wet & cold that kills off most potted plants.

To try and alleviate this problem my thoughts are; doing things this way will ensure that they at least won't get too wet, thus giving them a better chance to survive.

When potting up I found that after dividing them I thought if they all survive I will have far too many plants and was tempted to throw some out, then I thought as an insurance; I would save a few extras to cater for potential losses. (I'm a hoarder and always have difficulty deciding what to "throw away" in case I might need them later) Then to convince myself that this was a good idea I got to thinking that my Son & Daughter are both in the throws of developing their gardens so I possibly have a good chance of getting rid of any surplus plants there.

As they say: Waste not Want not!

You can see what I have done in the attached picture:

Tee Gee


Looking good Tee Gee and always good to have "insurance" in th eform of spares.  I don't yet have plants to divide here but I do have babies to pot up to the next size.  Technical hitch tho - can't find anyone selling ordinary pots for potting on..........

Lots of small pots available but once you get past 10cms they're all decorative plastic at nearly 2€ or else terracotta at 1€60. 
Obxx - Vendée France

Tee Gee

QuoteTechnical hitch tho - can't find anyone selling ordinary pots for potting on..........

I find the stuff I get from this company is usually of  good quality and their prices are very reasonable!

ps I do not have vested interest in this company like you I wanted some pots did a 'google' and found them!


Thanks TeeGee but £5 for pots and £30 for postage is a tad unequal and expensive.......    I'll keep looking here.

After your prompt to look online, I have found these -     

Look good so now to work out how many I need as I would need to order 100 of them to get free postage.......
Obxx - Vendée France

Tee Gee

Quote£30 for postage

Wow! I wondered what it would be................ah! well perhaps when we come out of the common market things may change  :angel11:  :toothy10:


Even more expensive and customs to pay too.....
Obxx - Vendée France


Track down a point of recycling! As our larger plant distributors are bound by regulation to accept their 'waste' packaging, such as pots , for 'recycling' , its likely that they will 'lose' a few to cut the costs of disposal. As I believe this eminates from a Directive, it surely will be pan-EU ?
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


Have tried that but no sign of a special pot recycling pile.   I'm meeting up with some friends from the gardening club this evening and will ask them what they do. 
Obxx - Vendée France


Quote from: Obelixx on November 19, 2018, 10:33:10
Have tried that but no sign of a special pot recycling pile.   I'm meeting up with some friends from the gardening club this evening and will ask them what they do. 
Perhaps use a bit of "brass neck".  No idea how to translate that but it rarely fails.
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


Didn't get to the meeting this evening as the local "gilets jaunes" are still revolting and that blocked my access.   Already had one confrontation with some on Saturday evening and didn't think it wise to tray a second given some of them are getting "physical" now.

I'll order some online anyway since I need so many but will pursue recycling sources as I'll always need pots.
Obxx - Vendée France


Excuse ignorance but not sure what is happening so you cannot get out to a meeting? sounds a bit disturbing. Hope all is well.


People are protesting about fuel taxes which disproportionately affect the lives of the rural poor who, compared to urban poor,  have no public transport, greater distances to work, school, shops, services and lower incomes.  They are all wearing their fluo yellow security waistcoats (gilets jaunes) and blocking major acccesses to towns, shopping centres etc.   Most of it is peaceful and good natured but, as with all such things, there are pockets of alcohol fuelled belligerence.

I sympathise with their anger at increased fuel taxes but refuse to co-operate with drunken bullies.   Got away with it on Saturday evening and didn't expect them still be out there on week days and decided it was not worth trying my luck twice and on my own.   A little bit late but I have heard the gendarmes are clearing them all away now but, just in case, I have an alternative route using minor roads to get to dance class tomorrow night.
Obxx - Vendée France

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