Voting open for the Beasties, creepy-crawlies and insects Photo Competition

Started by daveyboi, October 13, 2018, 19:05:56

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Vote for your favourite picture

Picture One
2 (8.3%)
Picture Two
2 (8.3%)
Picture Three
0 (0%)
Picture Four
1 (4.2%)
Picture Five
6 (25%)
Picture Six
1 (4.2%)
Picture Seven
2 (8.3%)
Picture Eight
1 (4.2%)
Picture Nine
0 (0%)
Picture Ten
2 (8.3%)
Picture Eleven
7 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Voting closed: October 21, 2018, 19:05:56


Time to vote for your favourite photos

You have ONE VOTE in this competition

Voting will end in a weeks time (8 days)

The picture numbers are ABOVE the picture

Picture One

Picture Two

Picture Three

Picture Four

Picture Five

Picture Six

Picture Seven

Picture Eight

Picture Nine

Picture Ten

Picture Eleven/b]

Good luck to all the entrants and thank you !!

Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Might it be an idea to set not just the subject for next one, but also the time of the competition?  How about in January? And to keep doing a bump email to remind us all to keep our eyes out.
I'm absolutely stunned by the quality of the photos and subjects this time!
Thank you Daveyboi for your hard work.


Some lovely pictures folks. Difficult to choose, they're all winners!!  Well done Dave for curating this.


Quote from: Digeroo on October 14, 2018, 08:44:22
Some lovely pictures folks. Difficult to choose, they're all winners!! 

I agree it is so hard to choose amongst them eleven votes so far and no indication of a potential winner yet
Place your vote please
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Aaargh, have got it down to my three favourites - but what now? Do I plump for beauty? Incredible focus? Colour? Originality? Or toss a dice?!


Quote from: Peanuts on October 15, 2018, 10:49:30
Aaargh, have got it down to my three favourites - but what now? Do I plump for beauty? Incredible focus? Colour? Originality? Or toss a dice?!

I guess the answer is to toss the dice it is so hard to choose just one
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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All of them amazing photos.  A joy to see and my vote could have gone to at least half of them.  It is impossible to choose.  :wave:


Quote from: galina on October 18, 2018, 07:10:09
All of them amazing photos.  A joy to see and my vote could have gone to at least half of them.  It is impossible to choose.  :wave:

I agree just a couple of days to vote left now
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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I suppose it may be not the done thing to say which one you voted for, but as a none too subtle hint I'll just say who could resist a beautiful damsel?
Not mad, just out to mulch!

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