July 1st 2022 Garden

Started by Palustris, July 11, 2022, 16:00:21

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Gardening is the great leveller.


Gardening is the great leveller.


You've done wonders there Palustris and have some lovely plants.  Must be very satisfying.
Obxx - Vendée France


Trouble now is that a lot of them are not going to survive the present drought. I won't replace them, just leave the spaces and let the weeds grow.
Gardening is the great leveller.


We are watering pots and the nursery and have seep hoses in assorted veg beds.   Other than that I'm leaving things to cope too except for a few recently planted trees that haven't yet had time to get their roots down deep.  Hoeing away weeds helps the others and leaving the weeds on the surface does too.
Obxx - Vendée France

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