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help with a pie name?

Started by historygardening, February 05, 2025, 17:55:29

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i was reading comic recipe in newspaper archive the first part name cut off
it reads savoury ____sex pie any idea what blank part name Is?
i included the full comic given people might get wrong idea given only
3 letters you can read of pies name.
thank in advance all who will help.



I'd guess Wessex or Sussex (English counties).


The only Sussex and Wessex pies I can find are sweet rather than savoury.
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Tastes change over 75 years!


Just guesswork but my money would be on Essex, only the sa is missing from savoury which implies 2 letters rather than 3. There is also the east end pie/mash thing which would suggest that area.


Pie with mash in it the only way is Essex, bit of liqueur on top


I agree that both lines of the heading probably start (justified) at the left hand side, so the two extra letters will be ES.

However neither font is regular (both kerned as this is) and all the text in the frames is justified centrally, so it's just possible the heading box is also justified centrally.

That would mean a gap (roughly the length of IE) in front of the start of SAVOURY so the second row would then need 3 or 4 letters in front of SEX - and "I" is so narrow that it's probably only 3 (ie.SUSSEX) - BUT... 3-and-a-bit kerned letters would be perfect for WESSEX.

The only way to check this would be to find a different recipe with a complete title box.


PS. I simply don't have the time or energy to use a program like "Word" to show the actual results of justification and kerning - my head is spinning enough already.

With a microholding you always get too much or bugger-all. (I'm fed up calling it an allotment garden - it just encourages the tidy-police).

The simple/complex split is more & more important: Simple fertilisers Poor, complex ones Good. Simple (old) poisons predictable, others (new) the opposite.

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