Bottlebrush plant needs help!!

Started by Marley Farley, May 26, 2005, 10:16:16

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Marley Farley

:( Ooops !  it would seem I forgot my bottlebrush  (Callistemon citrinus) & I think it must have been frosted.  :( :-[  The buds were there getting ready to flower now they are all brown & dry & the leaves are turning brown & dry :'( Does anyone know if it will come back or is it done for  ???  I have cut back most of it but , I just don't know  ??? I'm sure someone out there has an idea  ??? Thanks  :-[
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

Marley Farley

"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".



Just done a google for you and found the following which does not sound good.  However, I would water it well, feed it - and basically nurture it and hope it comes back to life.  Try cutting off all the brown parts -

Likes well drained soil, preferably sandy loam, but is quite adaptable. Avoid heavy and soggy ground. Can take some salt spray but do not plant too close to shore. If grown in the northern part of range, expect winter kills. Protected with mulch around roots, the plant usually comes back. It may sucker up around the base.
Light: Good sun.
Moisture: Average to dry. Drought tolerant once established.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 8.5-10.
Propagation: By cuttings from medium wood. With patience from seeds (gather dried flowers and keep in paper bags to let seeds fall; plant in spring).

Bottlebrush is a fabulous specimen tree or shrub for a bright, sunny area. May be used for a tropical effect in a pool-side planting, or surrounded by white rock, against a light colored wall. Wherever it is placed, it should be visible either from the street or from the house.

Bright red, distinctive flowers irresistible to hummingbirds!

hc 08/16/97

Enjoy today to the full.  You are not sure of a tomorrow.


I bought a bottle brush last year but i didnt realise that it was at risk of frost.

It looks very healthy but its not flowered yet. :-\

Hope you mange to save it Marley as its such a preety shrub isnt it? :)


i have just bought 2 bottle brush plants it says on the tag that they are not hardy and need protection in the winter , do the plants die back in the winter or have u got to protect the whole plant .


I have a couple of dozen of these raised from seed. They vary a fair bit in their hardiness (even different C. citrinus cultivars vary in hardiness quite a lot), but I think if it survived enough of the winter to develop buds, it might be more likely a lack of water rather than frost. I've certainly lost more due to under-watering than cold.

They don't die back in the winter if you give some protection from frost. I haven't tried not protecting them to see what happened. They seem to respond OK to being cut back.


in what way do u protect them do u just protect the roots or does the whole plant need wrapping in fleece ceratonia

Marley Farley

:) Hi all, Well I don't know, I was also told that they were not hardy, usually overwinter in green house but for some reason I just forgot to put them in :'(  They are in big pots & I don't think they dried out, none of the other plants there suffered, but they are also supposed to be fairly drought tolerant  ??? I have removed all the dead foliage, so far no more has died so will feed water & wait & see if they survive.  ??? They were potted on last year into big pots & good compost so I don't know.  ??? As you say they are lovely plants when in flower  :)
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

Mrs Ava

I have had mine in a pot for over 10 years, a good size and every year it is absolutely stunning!  Never ever given it any special care at all, because my Aunt in Australia told me they are as tough as old boots.  They have thick waxy leaves so can stand being quite dry and they tend to grow in shallow, poor, well drained soil.  I have a couple of babies now from seed, and they also spent winter out in the open and are looking very fit and healthy.  I suspect lack of water might be more the problem.  Give it a 'haircut' and talk nicely to it, I bet it comes back no problems.

Marley Farley

:-[ Hi EJ & all, Well looks like I must admit defeat :-[ Think you must be right ,that I let it dry out  :'( but didn't realise. I do check my pots on a regular basis normally but this winter allot of other stuff happened & they were more neglected than I thought perhaps :-[ HO Hum ::) I have given them a hair cut & will talk nicely to them  :) They are stunners as you say, I hope I am lucky :)
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself".

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