skanking from your local council

Started by Ceri, January 26, 2004, 17:36:41

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I've just spoken to my favourite council lottie man at North Tyneside council - I wanted some bark chippings for my son's play area in the back garden - and they are a small fortune to buy - our council has a massive great tip full of them apparently and as I have the transport it seems I can ring up and then go and help myself.  

Thought could be useful for paths in the lottie too.

Presumably most councils have to get rid of trees and prunings etc.  Might be worth  try.




I'm North Tyneside too !!  Please divulge your secret council depot ( anything for free sounds good to me !!)


The gardener

We have had a few grants on our Allotments in the past couple of yeas and some of the money was used to improve the car park.

What do yo think has happened? the council have come along and  tipped three loads of chippings on the car park.

OK the first time they did this was ok ........we all got our paths made.  

We stuck up a proper 'No Tipping' sign and guess what? YES!!!! they have tipped another three loads, and our singpost didn't fall over it stands proudly in the middle of the heap.

Now if I had done a bit of 'fly tipping' I wonder what have been said.

ps our parking facilities are now worse than they were before the work to improve them was done, all due to the COUNCIL

The Gardener


Hi Debs, and anyone else in North Tyneside - I'll be ringing the nice man tomorrow who is in charge of chippings whose name is Alan something - I'll let him know more are interested.  If it helps with transport, I've got a 71/2 ton drop side wagon which I can use to pick up a load and if people want to get some from me I can probably arrange something - or even do a quick whizz down to yours as you are in the area.

Mike Brannigan is the nice council man in charge of lotties (in the education and cultural services department - get that!).  He says the council are happy to drop loads off for allotment societies - but I don't know if there are charges for deliveries.

I'll get more details from Alan whatshisname tomorrow nd let you know


top skanker ceri, i'm impressed.

Garden Manager

Lucky old you!

Our cheapskate council would make us pay for the stuff, AND  make you pick it up ourselves (OUR petrol, wearand tear on OUR cars). They even charge for the by product of OUR garden waste taken to the tip in OUR cars etc etc.. Need I go on.

I could tell pentyof tales about our local authorities, but now is not the time, here is not the place.


No Richard... now is not the time and here is not the place... remember that some of us might work for local authorities!!!!


Richard_F - the wording of your post "our council would..." - have you asked them?  I keep finding out things I can get from our council because I keep asking - getting individual's names and being very nice and charming.  To be fair, I don't expect the council to pay their diesel etc. to deliver something I want that they have (if you follow me!).  Our council are as batty as many I'm sure, but councils are made up of individual people most of whom I've found to be very helpful and friendly - if I am!  I ask nicely and explain what I want and why - and keep asking nicely(!).  You could always find a green-thinking councillor and give them some good ideas to help all gardeners/lotty holders

Mrs Ava

I agree, sometimes you can be really lucky and just get on the phone to that person who is happy to help - and that isn't  just  local councils but most organisations.

I have always lived by the adage (if that is what I mean)...if you don't ask, you don't get.  It doesn't hurt anyone to ask around, you may be surprised with what comes up.   :)

Garden Manager

NO to be honest I havent asked directly, just know how they operate and assumed it would be the same for garden waste etc. I DO  know about the compost they produce from garden waste, they bag it up and sell it , and not cheaply either and you have to collect it yourself.  Same with anything from the local tip, in most cases they charge to take things away.

Sorry to those who work for local authorites, i have a 'thing' about them at the moment, what with soaring council tax bills etc.


Good for you Ceri!  As you know I am from N Tyneside too. I live in what was once a tree-lined Street, but quite a lot have been knocked down, unfortunately, because of disease and disruption of drains etc., and the Council always leave the area piled high with bark chippings. With their permission we have been taking our wheelbarrow out and picking up chippings for our pathways at the allotment.  It is useful to know about the tip of chippings though as I am sure we would like to have more some time in the future. Thanks,  :D busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years


As soon as I have the go ahead (the right man is never at his desk - presumably always out chipping wood!) I'll let you know how to go about this - I will be needing loads in a month or so, so I'll probably try and use the big wagon, so I'm sure we can drop some off in the N Tyneside area if you need - same goes to legless et al



Your a Star Ceri,  Thanks!   :)  busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years



That would be brill !!  ;D  ;D  ;D

I'm at the same lottie as legless.

Thanks again,


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