Growing Potatoes in Containers - photos included

Started by Georgie, March 14, 2009, 18:11:08

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Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 12:11:45
Laurie, you said the main reason for earthing up is to increase the length of stem from which new potatoes grow. I thought it was just to keep them away from the light so we were going to cover the ones we plant on the allotment with landscape fabric because we won't be able to get there regularly. for the next few months. Does that mean we won't get much of a crop because the stems will be too short? Woud it be better to leave off the landscape fabric and just earth them up at erratic intervals?

No the method Laurie was explaining helps to increase the yield of container grown potatoes, when they are in the ground earthing up is to mainly to stop the potatoes going green and the landscape fabric should be just fine. it should also mean you may get quite a bit of crop just under the fabric all clean and free of soil, you'll be able to peel back the fabric pick a few choice spuds for your meals without actually digging up the whole plant which allows you to lengthen your cropping time as well and when you have taken what you want just repace the fabric :).


some people grow under black plastic sheets by cutting slits in it put the seed potatoes in the ground 6 inch down will continue to grow when they have all flowered pull plastick back and all the potatoes will be lying on the top of the surface // caution needs to be had with pests as such as Slugs and the like as they will have a field day with the amount of ready meals for them  8)


Thank you. That sounds encouraging ;D

Do I plant them all 6" deep? (I've never deliberately grown potatoes before)


hiya, sylvan, nice to meet you, what type of spuds are you growing?


Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 15:45:56
Thank you. That sounds encouraging ;D

Do I plant them all 6" deep? (I've never deliberately grown potatoes before)

Plant them all six inch deep // but will say i have personally never planted them this way i merely mentioned i know of others who have seemed to be fine apart from the slugs


Hello. Nice to meet you too :)

I'm attempting to grow Dunluce, Rocket, Pentland Javelin, Lady Christl, Kestrel, Harlequin, Desiree, Picasso and Sarpo Mira.

They've been chitting for a month so far. I've put one of each of the earlies in plastic buckets outside the house, on the basis that I can protect them if the weather gets too bad and I'm planning to plant some more in buckets and the rest at the allotment at Easter. I hope it isn't too early - our last frost date is early June, but I daren't wait too long because some of them are already starting to go soft.

I planted my first four on 14th too Georgie. Do you know how soon we can expect to see shoots?


Do not worry about growing them under a cover as this itself makes the shoots/growths longer. Some people grow under black polythene with good results, I am told. The only thought I have with that way is the number of slugs who will find it such a nice place to live with food easy to get.

Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 12:11:45

I'm happy with the potatoes in containers (I'm using the flower buckets but I'm going to cut the bottoms out of others so I can put them on top to get a greater depth of compost) but now I'm worried about the potatoes in the ground.

Laurie, you said the main reason for earthing up is to increase the length of stem from which new potatoes grow. I thought it was just to keep them away from the light so we were going to cover the ones we plant on the allotment with landscape fabric because we won't be able to get there regularly. for the next few months. Does that mean we won't get much of a crop because the stems will be too short? Woud it be better to leave off the landscape fabric and just earth them up at erratic intervals?


Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 19:44:20
I planted my first four on 14th too Georgie. Do you know how soon we can expect to see shoots?

No I haven't a clue! I'm sure someone here will know, though.  Nice to meet you Sylvan.  :)

G x
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.'


Quote from: Georgie on March 19, 2009, 21:57:14
Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 19:44:20
I planted my first four on 14th too Georgie. Do you know how soon we can expect to see shoots?

No I haven't a clue! I'm sure someone here will know, though.  Nice to meet you Sylvan.  :)

G x

i planted mine on the 1st of march and today i saw the first signs of foliage. my containers are outside with no fleece but i covered said shoots this evening as last night we had frost so just wanted to offer the new leaves some protection.


Thank you to everyone for being so welcoming. it's lovely to meet you all.

Georgie I'm sorry I hijacked your thread a bit :-[ Please take it as a compliment - I was very impressed with it and have been watching for days.

Thifasmom, your pictures are wonderful. I'm feeling inadequate now...


I've been growing spuds on the flat for years. Plant earlies a foot apart, maincrops 15 inches. Digging them in with a trowel is fine. I'm experimenting with a bulb planter this year, but the soil's compacted (I usually plant them in areas which need working on) and it's hard going forcing the d**n thing in!


Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 22:57:37
Thifasmom, your pictures are wonderful. I'm feeling inadequate now...

thanks for the compliment i was mightly proud of last year's achiements but the trick is taking pictures of the good forget the bad and ugly ;) ;D.


Quote from: Robert_Brenchley on March 20, 2009, 08:39:02
I've been growing spuds on the flat for years. Plant earlies a foot apart, maincrops 15 inches. Digging them in with a trowel is fine. I'm experimenting with a bulb planter this year, but the soil's compacted (I usually plant them in areas which need working on) and it's hard going forcing the d**n thing in!

I have 1 bed prepared and another that has yet to be started so was thinking of planting on the flat as well. How bad is the damage from slugs?


Thifasmom, I loved your pics too! I was particualrly taken with the pics of your hot chilli pepper sauce. A friends dad used to do a batch on a yearly basis for family and friends but sadly he died a while agao and I still miss both him and his sauce  :)  :'(  :)


Quote from: Sylvan on March 19, 2009, 22:57:37

Georgie I'm sorry I hijacked your thread a bit :-[ Please take it as a compliment - I was very impressed with it and have been watching for days.

Not at all and thanks for your kind words.   :)

Quote from: thifasmom on March 19, 2009, 22:09:33

i planted mine on the 1st of march and today i saw the first signs of foliage. my containers are outside with no fleece but i covered said shoots this evening as last night we had frost so just wanted to offer the new leaves some protection.

So about three weeks then.  Is that about average?

G x
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.'


Slug damage depends on three things, how many slugs you have to start with, how wet the season is, and how long you leave them in the ground. If you can lift them promptly, it probably won't be too bad.


Quote from: 1066 on March 20, 2009, 16:13:56
Thifasmom, I loved your pics too! I was particualrly taken with the pics of your hot chilli pepper sauce. A friends dad used to do a batch on a yearly basis for family and friends but sadly he died a while agao and I still miss both him and his sauce  :)  :'(  :)

thanks 1066 , i make my pepper sauce mainly for my OH.


I always grow my potatoes in the ground, planted 1 row of 36 Rocket 17th Feb, covered with enviromesh, today I noticed the first signs of foliage. last year I planted 7th Feb and was eating new potatoes when the other plot holders were still planting, this year they copied me.


Quote from: Squashman on March 20, 2009, 19:41:43
I always grow my potatoes in the ground, planted 1 row of 36 Rocket 17th Feb, covered with enviromesh, today I noticed the first signs of foliage. last year I planted 7th Feb and was eating new potatoes when the other plot holders were still planting, this year they copied me.

Some of us are not lucky enough to have 'ground' in which to sow potatoes, hence I started this thread. 

There are lots of current threads on the forum about growing potatoes so can I ask that we try on keep the discussion here to growing in containers.

Many thanks

G x
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.'


I too don't have a garden, I'm gonna put my name down tomorrow for an alotment athough I may wait a while  :'(

I've been growing potatoes in builders buckets for the past 3 seasons. Always a decent crop and beautiful to cook. This year I'm gonna do the same but I've also discovered these from my local (belfast) recycling centre (hope this works):

I've 4 bags, 2 will be filled with Arran Pilot and 2 with Maris Piper. I'm also gonna plant my buckets again with 1 spud each.

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