Started by cookie, March 31, 2006, 21:45:17

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Another good deal for those in Somerset!!Very cheap compost bins from Somerset County Council. A 220ltr bin for £4, a450ltr bin for £10 and a whopping great 700ltr bin for£20. Go to ; for details. This includes FREE delivery!!!   


Roy Bham UK

 ;D Similar deal here in Dudlay (Dudley) ::) £4 for the 220ltr and £6 for the 330ltr free delivery.

I'm not actually under Dudley council but that's our secret ok? ;D


I scored yesterday on the compost bin front.

A friend of mine who lives in another council area from me (probably best not say which) had bought a bin from her council.  When the chap came to deliver it, he said she was the last on the run, he still had half a dozen left and he would have to take them back to the depot, which wasn't worth his while.

So he gave them to her!  And she brought me one.  Free and gratis.  That's what I call a good deal.  ;D

She's in the process of distributing them to other worthy people (including her child's school for their gardening club).  Says her back garden currently looks like a dalek convention.
Tread softly, for you tread on my greens.

ann hunter

Same offer in Sandwell - West mids :)
when the going gets tough..........


Thanks cookie

Just bought a £4 one from the same site.  Just stick your post code in to see if they've got a deal with your council.

Strangely there's nothing about it on the council web-site.  Maybe they don't want it broadcast for some reason  ::)

having shelled out an arm and a leg for my first bin, this super cheap second one gives me somewhere to "turn" the first bin into and reduces the overall spend to an acceptable amount and the free delivery makes it all the better.  Wish other suppliers would adopt the same policy of good customer service.
There's something happening every day  @ &


Severn Trent (them of the big profits) are doing the stuff in my post code area.......£6 the bin........£5 the base......think I'll stick with me compost heaps + black bags... :(

(Bag Lady) Lish ;)


If you council doesn't have a very good deal on at the moment it is well worth checking out your water company. At the moment, the bins are £20.00 through Oxfordshire Council (albeit, free for the first 6 months) but with Thames Water, they are only £6.00!  :)


Most councils seem to do a similar deal. Suffolk offers a 220litre for £4, 330litre for £6 and a 700litre for £20 (suggested retail price £106.95, or so they claim!) Plus they throw in a free kitchen caddy with every order.

Does anyone use these dalek-style bins on their lottie? I've yet to sort out a compost system and was thinking that it'd be a lot easier to buy a couple of 330l bins for £12 rather than bodge together some tatty old chickenwire/pallet set-up.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.


I got a dalek last year and have used it with mixed results. In fairness to it, I am a beginner and didn't really understand about mixing brown and green stuff properly so though some of it looked quite good there was also a lot of sludge. I have re-layered it now though (totally disgusting and stinky job::) yuk yuk yuk) so fingers crossed it will do better! I think it is easy to let them get too wet.


I don't worry about that; I just sling everything in, add pee, and leave it till next spring. By that time, everything's at least half rotted, I mulch my spuds with it, and put dead leaves or grass cuttings over the top. It's all gone by the time I lift the spuds.


Looking at Robert's recipe for good compost, since I've got a 330L composter, and I'm a short-ish woman, I'm going to need a step ladder, aren't I?  ;)
Tread softly, for you tread on my greens.


jam jar and watering can in the little girls room does the trick  :o
There's something happening every day  @ &


I thank you for that tip, Mrs KP.  And, believe me, my neighbours thank you.  :D
Tread softly, for you tread on my greens.


Or a bucket in the shed, which is what I use. You could even use one of those old-fashioned chemical toilets with the bucket inside, without the chemicals.

Roy Bham UK

Quote from: DenBee on April 03, 2006, 22:24:53
Looking at Robert's recipe for good compost, since I've got a 330L composter, and I'm a short-ish woman, I'm going to need a step ladder, aren't I?  ;)

I thought I'd read in all seriousness that ladies "P" was not acceptable for some reason? ???


i'd read that too somewhere Robert, but then somewhere else i read it was ok, which may of course explain why the compost heap is not doing a great deal.

i'll see if i can't find some sources ........... on the internet i mean  :P
There's something happening every day  @ &


I wonder why; fish and some other wildlife get upset by hormone levels, but it's pollutants that cause the problems not womens' pee. I can't imagine bacteria complaining.


£4 bin arrived yesterday, so do i just lift the existing darlek off and start shovelling in from the top of the old pile,  watering and layering up as i go or wit ?  Any suggestions as current pile don't seem to be doing a great deal.

There's something happening every day  @ &


You're all very lucky.

In Glasgow, there's no such scheme at all.  :(


I thought that as well mugstar as i've searched GDC's website numerous times for compost bins.

I stuck my postcode in cookie's link, just to see what happened and Waste Aware Scotland came up with three bins.  I got the smaller £4 delivered during the week.

try this link here and if it doesn't come up as the Glasgow site (which is doesn't, just checked) , just put your postcode in.  If for some bizarre reason they won't deliver to your area, I'm more than willing to take delivery for you if you've got a way to get it home.
There's something happening every day  @ &

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