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Started by Jayb, March 25, 2010, 19:47:02

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Quote from: ruud on February 05, 2011, 17:09:00
Hi galina and 1066,I have red you want some information about some veggies who are put in by me in the seedcircle.First the tomatoes,silach is from russia,red determinate very early red tomato.Falcon is a commercial tomato from turkey,red indeterminate tomato needs staking.Sweet australian is a very big round purple frenchbean,climber,great crop stays stringless,but it is better to pick them earlier.    My mystery bean is a mystery it is probebly a cross between a purple and a green pole bean,picked young it is great to eat as a snapbean,older you can grow it for his beans.Some mature ones look like runnerbeans and some are more like a hugh frenchbean.I hope you have the information you want and if there are questions to answer just ask me and i will try to answer them.

Thank you Ruud, all very informative.  I am really looking forward to spring now.  Have updated our little catalogue with the information.




thanks Ruud, really looking forward to trying them all - particularly your mystery bean  :)


Thanks for the extra information Ruud, I'm really looking forward to trying Sweet Australian and (snap 1066) your mystery bean  :)
Thanks Galina, you are a star  ;D
Seed Circle site
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania


Yay, the first seedlings have made an appearance.  And the winner is - Urbikany tomato. 

Started the propagator on the 11th in the evening and this morning tiny seedlings have popped up.



Ah Galina, you have made my day !  ;D


I'm hoping to sow a few Bleu De Solaise leeks and Shimonita bunching onions this afternoon. I'd like to try a few in the polytunnel, I think if I get them started in modules now I can easily transplant when they are strong enough :)

Seed Circle site
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania


Have grown 'Ruud's Pole Beans', which were called RPB because Ruud had misplaced the original name.  I wonder what others who have grown them think, but mine look very similar to Cherokee Trail of Tears.


I didn't have room to grow them this this year, hoping to try them next. Be interesting to find out what they are  :)


I didn't have room for them either, hopefully someone else will who grew them this year will chip in.
Seed Circle site
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania

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