Summertime Fete today and scarecrow competition

Started by Jeannine, June 26, 2011, 15:14:51

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Ho Ho, the day has arrived, we are having a Summertime Fete and our first Scarecrow Competition, it is open to the public so we are having  scarecrow building too.

Today there is not a cloud in the sky.

So wish us luck everyone, going dpown there shortly to do my bit.

XX Jeannine

When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

Duke Ellington

Good Luck!!!!!
I hope you take plenty of photos.

dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*


Good luck Jeannine!

I'm looking forward to seeing the scarecrow photos....
Walsall Road Allotments

allotment website:-


  Lots of good luck winging your way Jeannine :-* ;D



I have never seen so may blooming kids covered in straw in my life!!

This is the third year of the fete but first for the scarecrows

Originally I put forward the idea that we hold a contest , I expected folks to make them on their own and bring them in but it grew a bit.. was combined with the fete and a building idea formed.

The kids completed about 40 scarecrows, we finally ran out of old clothes and pantyhose and we had to turn away about 15..they were till coming after we packed up at the end of the day.

We provided everything and there was no charge so it was a great free afternoon.

We learned a great next year we need more helpers etc

I practically crawled out of the car when we got home.

We got heaps of thank yous and good wished, everyone had a blast so it was excellent.

The fete generally was good especially the tea tent which was run by a gay group  in drag.

I was too busy to take photos but the other person helping me got them for us both, so I will post them when I can.

I am so glad it is over !! I hurt like 'ell.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Did all ladies had to start stripping off to provide some spare garments..? ;D ;D
Sounds like its been really fun day there..
Do you collect some money for some charity or something?


It was a Summertime Fete put on my Greater Vancouver Parks Deptwho own  many parks including the Heritage Community gardens and bird sanctuary we garden in..the garden part  , that is called  Colony Farm Community put on the scarecrow competition.

We did not charge anything, nor did the GVP, it ois one of many such events held here.

There is no entrance fee and the enteretainment etc is paid for by the GVP.

There is a great deal of free stuff like this in our area.

There were stall holders who had goods to sell etc but many of the games for kids were no charge.

We also had a bird box building attraction where kids could bulid a pre fabricated bird house. They could then put their name on it . They are placed on the commumity gardens for the birds to nest in, the kids can then keep an eye on the box. That was adjacent to us, and boy the kids loved the hammering!!

It is all part of the general thing to get kids families to use and enjoy the many wildlife parks we have.

We actually did get some donations for the Community garden towards the cost of wood for the boxes etc and scarecrow building stuff which was nice, XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

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