Tomato growing competition for 2012..biggest fruit, just for fun

Started by Jeannine, September 08, 2011, 21:21:13

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We always start ours end of january in a propagator, just a couple to make winter interesting  :)



it really is to bad that i know so much about growing giant tomatoes.
if compete i will have to keep the real secret to myself. since been competing for 7 years on and off.

here is a few free secrets
that will help you all from Gordon graham and Clarence Dailey.
C. W. McCall convoy
the classic theory of tomato fertilizers is all wrong.
American pancakes with hot peppers 
start early stay late.

lottie lou

Well if my attempts at a giant tommy is anything like my attempt at Kevs early potatoes - my rockets turned out to be damp squibs...............


When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

Deb P

You know I can't resist growing yet another tomato.......I think I have a few Delicious seeds left from a swap a few years ago....count me in! ;D
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


 Ok so far we have..

Me with not sure yet ?
Hector  ?
Lottie Lou Black Seaman
Goodlife..mutiple new ones..we need to watch this gal folks!! :P
Ninnyscrops with MY Brandywine..cheek! ;D!
Duke Ellington ?
Pumpinlover ?
carbonel11 ?
Melbourne 12 ?
Manicscousers her Enormous oxheart.. we need a nearby vandal her  ::)
gp girl ?
Dep P Delicious..the current variety record holder I believe

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Quote from: Jeannine on September 10, 2011, 19:15:07

Manicscousers her Enormous oxheart.. we need a nearby vandal her  ::)
gp girl ?
XX Jeannine
They didn't grow that big his year, Jeannine, no hoses allowed so I think they suffered, next year I'll be concentrating on them a bit more. I've heard some big tom growers pee in a watering can and add water to feed their toms, can't see me squatting over one  ;D


Weel if you do..we need pictures :o

I shall look forwrd to watching the progress of your toms they kinda interest me.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.

Duke Ellington

dont be fooled by the name I am a Lady!! :-*




we need to watch this gal folks!! is well polished.. ;)
I won't grow GH full of biggies..have to leave room for other new 2012 trial varieties too...but I shall have a go with Delicious at least..and couple of others..but that depends what comes through the seed order.. ;)
I've been already 'stretching' my neck towards my chickens pen...there is some lovely looking stuff there...all that shredded straw, poo, leaves and grass clippings that I keep piling on there for girls to 'play' with..that may make good addition on tomato bed this winter.. ;)..with few other secret incredients.. ;D 8)


Me too Hector. and great choice Goodlife.. you have been a googling again,looking for specials ..reading Manics post..ha ha, gotcha.. I am off to pay a visit to the 100 acre chicken farm down the road, they owe me a couple of favours..

No, secrets here... :-*

I shall start several different ones then decide which to go with as they grow.

Truthfully I ain't got a clue but don't forget Plainleaf has done this before..maybe he is the one to watch ;D

XX Jeannine

When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


I'm going for Big Zac...with two is parrot by-product and the other is my OH running around the greenhouse anti-clockwise, semi-clothed and grasping a stalk of Lovage in his teeth......


in the moonlight no doubt :o

well I did say we were going to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously.

not the competition for professionals I suspect

XX Jeannine

PS Having said that if Hextor wins she might start a new trend!!  Go for it gal!!

Don`t forget the pictures
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Deb P

Quote from: Hector on September 10, 2011, 22:45:22
.... and the other is my OH running around the greenhouse anti-clockwise, semi-clothed and grasping a stalk of Lovage in his teeth......

;D ;D ; that I would like to see! Does it work though? ;)
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


Count me in too. I'm in France and normally grow coeur de boeuf - a beefsteak with superb flavour - and it's in a polytunnel too, if that's not cheating. My best ever is 868 grams - way short of the 5lb that Jeannie mentioned.


I'm in France and normally grow coeur de boeuf - a beefsteak with superb flavour Yes..they are nice..I grown some this summer..first few fruits were big..but then rest were just average tomato size.. ??? Is that what yours do or has mine run out of 'steam' early.
Anyway...more the merrier for the comp..and in poly its not cheating..I think most of us grow in GH..outside growing for beefsteaks just won't do over here...not if you try for biggen.
Nice looking veg in your photo..have you grown them?


This is my first year at growing ANYTHING so I've got to give it a go for next year. I love this forum for it's friendliness,help and encouragement and just for the craic I can't resist the challenge for the wooden spoon !!!  2012 - bring it on !!!
Bring back Spotty Dog........

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