Spraying bordeaux on potatoes

Started by Gordonmull, June 21, 2012, 19:57:37

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Hi folks

Judging by the weather forecast it might get all Smithy around here by the looks of things. Unfortunately, also rainy (no surprise there!). As I understand it rain plus Smith conditions is pretty good conditions for blight.

Now, if I spray, won't it all be washed off? Do I just keep spraying daily until the conditions improve?

Advice would be appreciated.





If you spray now it will be no use..you will need dry day or two for the spray to be able to have any effect.
So really you just need to wait until the conditions are right.


Just a little news 'flash' is anybody should not know...Bordeaux mixture is going to be finished..sales of existing stocks come to an end early next year and all it all used by 2015.


Uh-oh. What other fungicides are available to the amateur for edibles?

So - wait till it stops raining, spray, hope like hell?

Thanks for the advice.


You can get the copper sulphate on eBay and roll your own.


So - wait till it stops raining, spray, hope like hell?

That's about all you can do.. ::) Instead of hope..pray the heavens above might be in place instead.

If my memory is right..there is maximum amount of applications you are able to do...something like once every 2 or 3 weeks or so any more than that and you start polluting your soil..in excess it has 'some' (toxic?) effect.
Sorry I can't be more specific...I don't use it myself and its been long while I've last time handled it or read the instructions.
Agricultrural advise is usually more informative with many chemicals than what info they supply for domestic versions.
Suppose bit of 'googling' would not hurt..


I have never found spraying with bordeaux very effective as the foliage is usually so thick you cannot get at all of it, The most important thing is ti remove from the site all affected foliage before the spores get washed down to the tubers. Once the foliage has blight it does no good for the crop.

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